I have to side track for a moment. In all of my married life with Tom, I’ve cooked him fabulous meals (his words not mine). I’ve cooked lots of eggs. In my attempts to make omelets I always felt like a failure. They tasted great but they looked awful. I couldn’t make a good looking omelet to save my life. I didn’t give up. I watched cooking shows and studied how the chefs made a perfect looking omelet. I wasn’t looking for perfection for myself, but looking for something that at least looked like an omelet. You would think after 26 years a person would just give up. Not me. I would tell my family, “At least it tastes good, right?”
This morning I attempted yet again to make an omelet. I beat my eggs. I put lots of butter in the pan. I seasoned the eggs, added parmesan and mozzarella cheeses. I flipped and plated. I looked at this plate and I was amazed. It looked like an omelet. Tom looked at me and said, “That’s the best looking omelet you have ever made!” It also tasted good. Victory was mine. In all the excitement I forgot to take a picture of it.
I was reminded by God that this is 2008 – a year of new beginnings. What exactly is a new beginning? It’s starting over – a clean slate. It was like all the other omelets I ever made never existed. Isn’t God good! In this simple act of making an omelet it solidified the fact that this is a new day…a new beginning…a fresh start.
I don’t know about you, but I could use one of those. I thank God for this coming year. I have no idea what lies ahead, but I place my hope in Him who loves me. I know that whatever it is, it will be new and I pray exciting.
Hebrews 11:1 (New Living Translation) states:
Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.
Happy New Year
© Nadine Z. 2008
And boy oh boy was that omelet, good!
Yum, Yum!
interesting. I truly hope that the year 2008 is a new beginning for my family. Thanks for the inspiration and the hope. Happy New Year!
haa haa haaa...sorry, just saw your hubby's comment.
I like the name of your blog...lol...great minds think alike. :)
May all your omelet's flip true and beautiful!
I hope this new year is more than you have expected.
Happy New Year & Many blessings to you.
great post! happy new year!!
An omelet is a fabulous way to start the new year. I had poached eggs and fried toast make by my cute hubby. Happy NEW YEAR. Beautiful and inspiring post as usual!!
Omelets - I just have to settle for ordering them at the pancake house!
I love when people like you can take ordinary, everyday occurrences and find a spiritual application!
2007 went so fast! I am holding on for the next adventure.
Beautiful picture, beautiful post.
Happy New Year Nadine! God bless!
Happy New Year Nadine. 2008 year of New Beginnings indeed.
Happy New Year, Nadine!
And a happy new year to you, too. I am especially going to work on the "clean slate/plate" theory this year with my marriage. Blessings!
New beginnings. I knew that's what 8 stands for but hadn't connected it to the year. Thanks! I'm looking forward to discovering all the things the Lord will do in our lives this year.
New beginnings give us HOPE!
I look forward to it too ... Happy New Year Nadine!
Let's keep the faith. You made the perfect omelet because you did not give up! :)
Hope your new year is sunny side up!
exhilarating....terrifying....wouldn't miss it for anything. that's how this year feels to me!
THank you for inspiration! Happy New Year!
I love omelets... they are my favorite!! I can't make them at all. My husband is the omelet man!!
I loved your story about a new slate. A clean one. I used to love when it rained on New Years Day b/c I felt it was a cleansing. We got a little rain on New Years.
Thank you for reminding me of this New Beginning... of the power of 8.
I hope this year is blessed and the best yet for you and your family.
I never would have imagined a person could write so eloquently about comparing a new year to making the perfect omelet. But you did! Thank you for sharing this bit of yourself.
Wished I could have seen that omelet;)
Blessings to you and your Family and may this be the best year yet! Happy 2008!
Congrats on the omelet. I've never mastered the 'flip' (getting the omelet to look folded rather than, well, scrambled). Dear Hubby, on the other hand, is a natural.
I love New Years, new beginnings. Hope yours is filled with blessings.
I hope that this year is full of new beginnings for you, and I hope that you have all the success that your omelette was...hehehe God is so good, that's for sure!
Happy New Year to you too, Nadine. You are so right - I love a clean slate - and that comes every time we meet up with Him :)
Congratulations on making the perfect omelet - I am not good at it either - lol and I have 25 years under my belt *smile*.
Blessings to you and yours in 2008 and beyond.
I agree about this being a year of new beginnings. Great post!
Happy New Year, Nadine! And best wishes for a healthy and successful 2008
Happy New Year - beautiful shot of a sunset.
I'm visiting the blogs of people and inviting them to sign up for a give-away I am having. No gimicks - just fun. It's my way of celebrating one year of blogging.
Great thoughts for a new year! Thanks, Nadine!
Happy New Year!
I have not been able to make a decent looking omlet ever but the taste and smell yummy have a grat year
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