Monday, June 16, 2008

Blog Gadgets

I’ve been blogging for over two years now. When Tom first encouraged me to blog, I remembered thinking what will I write about? Who would read it? It turned out to be a creative outlet for me.

I can’t believe all the different subjects I’ve written about. I’m grateful to all my friends out there that visit, read and leave such lovely comments. I’ve met so many interesting people that are now dear to me. I enjoyed having a blog. I’ve learned so much from that first time I posted. I didn’t know how to add pictures or fancy sidebar items. Thanks Tom for teaching me so much.

Blog gadgets are fun. I have a few on my sidebar. I’ll be getting rid of one my favorites, Neo Counter. It seems to slow down the loading of my blog. So when my year is up next week, it’s going bye-bye.

In the last few months I’ve added, Recent Comments – which shows the last five comments that’s left on any of my blog posts. Another interesting gadget is the Live Traffic Feed. It shows where in the world someone is viewing your blog, if they are coming from Google search or another blog. What I’ve noticed about this is my most popular post is called, The Ankle Bracelet. I can’t believe how many hits I’ve received and some of the comments people leave. If you have time check it out, it’s a sentimental post. It’s about a present Tom gave me when we were dating. It was part of a Brooklyn tradition.

These are just a couple of my favorites. Do you have a favorite blog gadget on your sidebar that you really enjoy?

© Nadine Z. 2008


Damselfly said...

Those look like fun tools. I think the one I like best on my blog is the list of my current favorite posts by other bloggers.

Scarlet said...

I couldn't get in to read about the ankle bracelet for some reason. I'll try again later as it sounds like a must-read!

I don't get too fancy w/ my blog, but I do like the photos on the side w/ the little caption underneath I've been doing lately. They're fun!

Anonymous said...

probably the calendar! lol I can't ever remember what day it is anymore!

Anonymous said...

At the moment my Photos in sidebar ... but that is me being all sentimental. I do enjoy seeing where everyone is from on other blogs.

Tammy said...

I've been so slow with adding gadgets to my blog, even though I too have been at it for two years!

I also find blogging to be such an outlet sometimes. Except, the bad thing is that I need to finish writing a story I started three years ago, and this tends to take the time away from tackling it! ;) But this summer I really hope to try!

I'm going to have to go read the ankle bracelet post...

CC said...

I love that blogger now puts how long ago someone on your blogrole posted. That's my favorite (right now). I'm addicted to stat counter. But I think I'm going to get rid of it as it just tends to stress me out!

Shionge said...

I don't really like blog gadgets because as what you mentioned, it does slow down loading. That's the problems I faced when I visited some blog pals' blog.

all over the map said...

I don't know exactly where I'm going with my blog but I feel as you do that it has been a wonderfully creative outlet for me in huge ways.
I think it's so sweet that Tom encourages you and supports the writing of your blog.
It's a lovely community and there are good people out there.
I don't have a favorite gadget.

Deb said...

I agree it is definitly a creative outlet.
It's also a great way for me to get stuff out of my head good or bad it never seems as big a deal when written out in a blog post.

ps. Thanks for your prayers. My blog is also great for support ;O)

Demara said...

yup that "Ankle Bracelet" story was real neat to hear! I think you started blogging just before I's amazing how time flies.

Sharon - Mom Generations said...

I am so happy to have been directed to The Ankle Bracelet. I love the story. I love the tradition. It makes me wish I was from Brooklyn!

About blogs... I never thought I would have one, but once I "tried" it, I was "in." I enjoy the creative piece of it. I especially enjoy the fellow bloggers. The friendships are amazing. Kind of like pen pals, but way better!

Sharon -

Dawn said...

I am so technologically challenged that if it weren't for Kristen, I would not have a blog or anything on the sidebar. I love the idea of seeing where people are reading from, but have not a clue how to get it there.

I was going to celebrate my two year anniversary yesterday, but forgot. I can't believe it!

Thanks for your kind comments on my tribute to my dad.

Kellan said...

I'm such a blog gadget idiot - have no clue how to work most of the stuff I have and don't know how to get stuff I want. Hope I continue to learn - finally understand some of it I don't now!

See you soon - Kellan

Diane Viere said...

Gadgets! Gotta love 'em!

I'll have to take a closer look at some of those you have recommended!

Sure can tell summer has arrived and school is out--my blogging time has been invaded by activities that do not allow a laptop! How have you been?

I so enjoy seeing you on Facebook!

Know what you mean about "what will I write about!!!" And yet, it is in sharing the smallest things of our day and heart that join us together.



palmtreefanatic said...

beautiful anklet!!!
I am so happy to met you from blogging! you are an inspiration to us all! I think it is fabulous that your husband Tom encouraged your blogging!

Scarlet said...

I finally read your Ankle Bracelet post. Man, I wish I was from your side of NY. That is a beautiful tradition.

eph2810 said...

I think my favorite gadget is the "Recent comments" :)