I find myself in a period of transition. I haven’t been around blogland much, because I’ve been busy cleaning out my house. We rented a 30 yard dumpster over the weekend and filled it. It was very difficult for me, but the reality is those things were just that – things, possessions. I did find some treasures among the junk, like love letters Tom wrote to me when we first started dating, a letter his mom wrote to him (she died when she was 49), pictures the kids drew and an essay my daughter wrote about me to name a few.
The reason behind all of this cleaning is that we are getting our house ready for sale. Tom got a new job and we are moving to Dallas, TX. We had prayed and processed the offer for a week to make sure this was what God wanted us to do. Through a series of events, we came to the conclusion that this was God (you can listen to the story by clicking here.)
Our church family has been very supportive. They are sad to see us go and love us very much. I appreciate the people in our church. They are generous with their time and energy. Today four ladies gave up part of their day to help get the house “show” ready. They cleaned inside and out. You can eat off the kitchen floor. I was humbled by their love and generosity. Thank you all for your help.
Transition can be hard. The other side of transition is good. On the other side you have a birth – a new baby. On the other side of this transition is a new job - a new adventure.
Forgive me if I haven’t been around much. I have a deadline I set to finish the final edits of my book so that it can be released this fall. I’m trying to sell a home, pack non-essentials, find a new job and a place to live. These are good things. This is exciting times. Life is on fast forward. So don’t forget about me. I’ll try to visit you all when I can. Know that I appreciate all of you.
© Nadine Z. 2008
You and me Kid, together all the way! We can do this, I know we can!!
I love you,
WOW....such news Nadine, I am very happy and excited for you guys. I know the Lord must be leading you to TX. I've been hearing a lot of good things about TX lately, spiritualy I mean, something's happening in the spirit over there.
Well, I know you guys will be missed greatly, but the Lord will bring someone to take over the church, or maybe He already has?
Transition you say, welcome to our world these days, it is a great adventure, it's work, but oh so worth it when you know the Lord is the center of it!!!
Blessings as you prepare to move and sell your house...
Thank you Knitting Mania. Yes, the two associates pastors Duane & Dawn will be taking on as the new pastors. We will leave the church in great hands.
I pray for peace over you through this transition Nadine! God is with you as you know! This will be a very new and exciting transition. You have a wonderful Hubby that loves you very much! This is Huge news and I pray you have the time to finish your book, and can go through all this change as stress free as possible!
I pray you sell your house as quickly as you need to! Blessings and Hugs to you!
love ya!
I have an award for you!
How exciting and scary at the same time! Good luck with the move, book editing...whew you are one busy woman right now!
I love your husbands comments.
Oh Nadine, I can imagine the tons of things you are doing right now and you know you'll always on my mind.
I wish you and Tom as you moved to a new location. I have a few American friends and it seems that when one finds a new job, the whole family moved isn't it?
I know you will be back for us and if you have settled down in Dallas, do drop me an email and give me your new address ok?
Take care and I can't wait to read your book too :D
How far is it from where you live now Nadine?
How exciting. It's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate over the years. We moved to our current location almost 3 years ago and I'm embarressed to say...there are still a few boxes that were never unpacked. We have wedding gifts we've never used. We're going to have to start purging as we'd like to finish our basement.
Shionge - It's about 1900 miles from where we live now.
Those are some good thoughts to remember, Nadine. I'm excited for you and your husband--it's a new adventure!
Where God leads we must follow. One thing we know for sure, God can be trusted. I am excited for you guys and this new adventure. I will keep you in my prayers.
That's a lot going on all at the same time! Peace be with you guys as you move into the next and most assuredly exciting phase of your life. (((hugs)))
I am having a hard time commenting. I for one am not so happy about the up and coming departure. =[
Happy for you though,
I read Tom's comment and it made the tears come.
I've been there recently and you have been supportive of me. So it is an HONOR to pray and support you in the same way. And with the love of God and the love of your husband, you will thrive! I confess that for you Nadine!
But I PROMISE all the emotions that you have gone through and are going through and will go through, they are justified. Just allow yourself to feel it and ask God to take control of your reaction to those feelings. It's what comes OUT of a man that defiles him right? So the way you let your feelings out should be the Godly, not so much the feelings themselves.
Am I actually preaching to YOU of all people? You know all of this so I will hush.
God is Good!
I am so very excited for you both!!! Transition can be hard, but think of the other side: God is leading you onto something new. Who knows what wonderful experiences and blessings await you in Dallas!
With a humorous perspective from this Texas resident...
Are you sure you want to come NOW? Considering your current home, the transition might be better made, let's say... in January??? We moved here five years ago from northern IL during the month of May. That summer was a climate shock for sure.
Texas is wonderful... it's our favorite place we've ever lived. Start practicing your "ya'lls." It's required. ;-)
Wow- A lot of change coming up for you (and Tom) this fall. I send up many prayers and good wishes. What an exciting time, and led by His hand.
Oh, wow, Nadine! What an adventure you are starting. I'm so happy for you and I can feel your excitement and nervousness as you step out in faith...know God is with you and will lead you every step of the way.
I can only imagine how good it felt to clear out all the extra stuff---less to pack, right? :)
Keep us posted on the house sale, packing, moving, and settling in when you find little snippets of spare time...we understand that this is a very busy time for you!
Take care and may God richly bless you and Tom follow Him!
PS: don't you even worry about the tag. I think you are officially on "home base" and can't be tagged right now...
I love Tom's message to you. :) Very sweet.
I hope the transition is a smooth one. Sounds like a busy and exciting time in your life, and I totally understand your focus is on your home and future plans. You know where we are when you're ready...and btw, how could anyone forget about you?? ;)
You're moving? Wow! From the Pacific NW to Texas sounds like a big move. I hope everything goes smoothly, you adventurer you!
WOW! How exciting! I look forward to reading all about it when the times comes to share. Moving is tough, hang in there!
Good luck and God bless.
SO understand girlie. Check in when you can. Meanwhile real life comes first and I'm always cheering you on!!!
Wow, this is indeed big new, Nadine! Transition can be both scary and exciting- most of the time both at the same time! But if God is in a thing, He is with you every step of the way!
Wow that is exciting news!!
Hope the move goes smoothly and that the house sells quickly!!
I knew it had to be something important! How exciting and exhausting. Isn't it great that we don't have to say good-bye, just because you're moving?!
wow a new adventure! I can understand that one!
I know you will be able to get done what is needed! you are an amazing woman!
Ok, now I know that was kind of a good-bye sermon, but both Tom and the Pastors to be spoke volumes to my heart...it got a little misty in here. ;) I couldn't even begin to tell you...well, yes I could...lol...you all provided some peace to my transition anxiety, not only that, but in a way something the lady said (when she was talking about her dreams) brought to mind some of the dreams I had last year that I am beginning to understand now. And the guy talking about divine appointments...ooooh I could go on, but I wont. What a blessing!!!! I am so excited for you...awe heck, I'm so excited for me too now.
I love you guys more than you know. I will be praying for the sale of your home and a peaceful path to your new life.
Many blessings!
Hey Nadine,
I saw your status and had to stop by to see what was going on. I'll pray for you during this transition time. I know God will shower you will blessings for obeying His Will. He showed us blessing after blessing when we finally followed Him to Montana and it has been so much fun seeing how He is using us here. Leaving people behind is always hard... but the joy of being in His Will will outshine it all.
Wow so many new-ness-nesses! Sounds exciting!! I wondered what was happening, since I hadn't heard from you. I pray you find a new place, new job, and a new new-ness-ness that you LOVE and are happy with!!!! AMEN
Wow! You definitely have your hands full. Take care of yourself during this transition. And congratulations on your new position. Don't worry, we won't forget ya!
God bless,
Brenda :)
Wow. What a surprise! Bless you in this new season! Does this mean I won't see you when I return? Much love and big hugs... you will be missed! :)
Nadine, I pray for a smooth transition for you and Tom.
Love and hugs!
2008 and the 8th month...sounds like new beginnings to me!
I totally understand the part of Transitioning your talking about, my labor has been 2 years and going, there were plenty of times I questioned it...
looking forward to hearing about your journey in relocating.
Bless you guys,
Just stopping by to say "hello" and to let you know that you've been in my thoughts and prayers. I know things are hectic right now - keep the end (or, the new beginning) in sight!
Hey Nadine, hope in the midst of all this you are taking care of youself too.
Just drop by to tell you that you've been missed.
Hi ,
I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be very good.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘Just Being Me’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;
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This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)
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Missing you and thinking of how busy you must be!
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