Everyday I get up with Tom and drive him to work. It’s no big deal and I enjoy the extra time we have together. This past week every time I picked him up from work, I feel I’ve stumbled upon a Hitchcock movie – The Birds.
There were a bazillion of them for a two block stretch on both sides of the road. They line up on the phone wires and on the tops of stores. The picture above doesn’t do it justice, but if you click on the picture you'll be able to see them better. It makes me want to drive with my windows up and pray, especially when they take off as a gang and fly from one structure to another.
I was in the store and came across this Barbie doll that commemorates Tippi Hedren in the movie The Birds. Okay, Mattel, what are you thinking? Don’t get me wrong, I love Barbie. I collect the very fancy ones (snicker if you must). There is something all kinds of wrong with this doll that has a black bird sticking on her head that’s not part of a fashion statement. Why would I want a doll like that? Why would I buy that for my child? Seriously. What’s next Frankenstein’s bride or maybe Freddy Kruger?
© Nadine Zawacki 2008
Oh, that's hysterical! LOL Who thought up that....? Now I have the giggles...
barbie is hilarious! i do not collect barbies but there's one i would buy! we have the same bird issue in SA. is it a texas thing?
The birds are called Grackles and they are not originally native to TX. When we moved here to Texas, the story was told to us about a gentleman who moved to TX from England some years ago (?). He missed these birds (and their very unique sounds) from his homeland and had several pairs imported. (Either illegally or before the days of live animal import regulations, I'm assuming.) They escaped and began reproducing at a rapid rate due to the lack of a natural preditor.
Great story, right?
Well, if you do a search it will reveal that the birds have actually moved gradually northward from their native home in Mexico. (See here: http://www.birds.cornell.edu/AllAboutBirds/BirdGuide/Great-tailed_Grackle.html)
I like the story told to us better than the real one, don't you?
That is weird Nadine...creepy if you ask me. That movie scared the pants off of me when we were kids. Our folks said we couldn't watch it, but one night they went out and Cindy and I watched it anyway. We had nightmares for days....bad kids!! HA
We just purchased another car a couple of weeks ago. It's been awhile and for me it wasn't fun. I don't enjoy the hackling with the sales men...gee's Glad we found one and don't have the stress of that any longer.
That is the weirdest doll I have ever seen. Who knows what's up with that.
We may be stationed in Texas after June 2010 and we are happy because we lived in OK. for years and loved it and visited Texas many times and loved that. It helps I'm a Cowboys fan too.
That is horrible! What an interesting juxtaposition with yur seeing all the birds. We have times of the year when the birds are just hovering and swooping at every intersection - I don't like it, either.
That is one creepy doll. I hate to say it, but you get used to the birds. There's always one species or another migrating from somewhere. Be looking for large empty fields right around now...Canadian geese head south and rest in the fields in hundreds. We used to always stop and watch them when I lived in Houston. VERY beautiful.
You made me laugh with the Bride of Frankenstein comment because it's so true. How many people want to buy a Tippi Hedren Barbie covered with birds?? I'm surprised they didn't take it a step further and put bird droppings on her hat. :)
Seriously? That's not a joke? Mattel is losing it's mind.
Yes - there are tons of birds here in SA too - headed south for the winter.
Have a good weekend - Kellan
Haha, Ya that's an interesting Barbie! I wonder what she's called? That's nice of you to give your car to your daughter to use for school!
that is too funny! what was matel thinking????
Dear fellow Texanite...I too have seen the Hitchcock bird scene here in our home town.
Several summers ago just down the street from us the trees were full of black birds. You could hear them squaking with the windows rolled up and the A/C on and the radio on. I have to agree it is rather creepy...Blessings
That is creepy....Matel must be falling on hard times!
Yeah that is slightly strange, do kids actually watch movies like that that they would make a barbie for it? Strange!
Wow that is a lot of birds!
Have a fantastic sunday!
haha that is awesome!
Man when I watched that movie I was a little young for it and it spooked me beyond belief!
ok, first off, that movie brings back some very bad and scary memories. Our stairwell in our home was just like the one in the movie.
And speaking of Barbies, I cleaned house recently for Judith O'Dea who was the actress who starred in Night of the Living Dead. She had a 'barbie' of herself chasing someone with a bloody butcher knife. CREEPY! However, I don't think it was Mattel. And thankfully I quit cleaning for her and her 'partner'.
Have a great week.
God bless,
Brenda :)
Barbie sure looks serene despite being attacked by birds.
I had a similar experience just the other day. Check out my blog. Because of your post I'm going to post my pictures of my rendition of The Birds.
lol! That Barbie is too much! That is just a creepy thought on Birds...All those movies are a bit bizarre, ahhh the good ol movies!;)
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