Friday, September 11, 2009

Always Remember

This is the first time since 9/11 we are living back in New York. I remember watching the coverage on television while living in Washington state. I couldn't believe my eyes. My heart ached at the thought of the lost of life. The pain for the family members who were unsure of the fate of their loved ones. My niece worked across the street and saw the plane go into the building. We were worried until we heard she was okay late in the day. We were blessed that she was not hurt. Tom lost a childhood friend, a fireman who even though was off duty went into the tower to help.

Today, FOX news showed footage from that day. It felt real again. It felt different being in New York remembering it. There were thousands of lives lost - not only in New York, but in the Pentagon and Pennsylvania.

I remember the innocent and the brave that were lost. I pray for those they left behind as they grieve the loss of their loved ones.


Dawn said...

Remembering, too.

Susan said...

May we truly never forget.

palmtreefanatic said...

what a trajedy! my heart goes out to them, remebering their loss...

Dawn said...

Incredible sadness.

Scarlet said...

That was the saddest, most shocking news I've heard and seen on live tv to date. I will never forget it.

Shionge said...

Yes...over this part of the world, we remembered too.

Ginnie said...

I missed this one...but I remember that day often; I was going to sit on committee for special ed that day at one of our elementary schools and was about to leave when the first plane hit,...I stayed home as long as I I arrived at the school, I sat in the car in disbelief as the news announced that a plane had hit the Pentagon... the chairperson's husband worked in the Twin Towers; she was not sure where he was that day,but she was concerned for the families and the kids who were scheduled for meetings that day, so we went on. The second plane hit the second tower, and we convinced her to leave...she could not reach her husband by phone until later; thankfully he had worked in NJ that morning. Parents were frightened and were arriving at school to pick up their children and bring them home. It was so awful to see such fear everywhere. I went home and kept watching, unable to believe what was happening. My daughter's roomate worked in the city; she walked out over one of the bridges and managed to get home. My son-in-law's brother is a city fireman. They waited for news of him and finally learned he had gone to ground zero, but he was safe. I think this was the saddest day of my life...I cannot imagine the sorrow of the families who lost loved ones in such a terrible way.
May we always remember those precious lives and the bravest of the brave. Thanks for you post, Nadine.