I just want to interject a side note at this point. I have terrific kids. My son and daughter bought us a digital camera for our 25th anniversary so that we would be able to take pictures on our trip. They gave it to us early in order to practice using it. It’s so easy to use and fits in my pocket which makes it convenient. I can’t wait to use it on our trip.
Now back to the story after that small commercial break.
Even though we are going in June, when you cruise the Hubbard Glacier it’s pretty cold on the deck of the ship and a coat is highly recommended. My wonderful husband got me a beautiful suede coat last year that’s extremely warm and comfortable. So I needed to get it cleaned since it’s tan and got dirty easily. I took it to the local dry cleaners. At first the dry cleaning lady noticed a pen mark. She said to me, “Pen marks don’t come out and you coat is very dirty.” Now I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I started to think this situation wasn't looking good. I tried not to be cynical, but it's gets harder as this drama unfolds. She started to inform me it will take 4 weeks for the coat to be cleaned and returned because they can’t clean it on site. I began to explain how that won’t do, because I’m going on a special trip in 2 weeks and I would need the coat by then.
The situation changed now because she might lose a sale so she told me that she would check with her husband. He said no problem that 2 weeks is plenty of time. So now I’m a bit leery because what if I don’t get it back in 2 weeks. Before I can raise that question, she gave me a waiver to sign because since they are not cleaning it on site they can’t guarantee the condition or safety of the coat. Do see where this is going? I asked how much is it going to cost to have it cleaned? And the winner is . . . $45 because the coat is very dirty she repeated. Trying to be nice I politely said, “Maybe I’ll wait until I come back just in case I don’t get it back in time, but thank you.”
In my head this is what’s going on: FORTY FIVE DOLLARS!!! Are you crazy?! Do I look like I just fell off the truck? I paid only $80 for the coat! I’ll wait until it becomes so filthy then buy a new one before spending $45 to clean it. It would be cheaper to dye it black then it would all blend in together. Now is it me or isn’t that an outrageous price for dry cleaning a coat?
With age I’ve become a calmer, gentler, Nadine and so these things just play out in my head and I simply walk away, smiling and saying no thank you. Anyway, maybe one day God will transform so much that those little scenes don’t even play in my head anymore.
Copyright © Nadine Z. 2006
I agree that the dry cleaning shouldn't cost that much. Got a kick out of the other pages too. Great blog. Keep it up!
oh! So excited you are blogging! I DO love your writing. Welcome, welcome, welcome!
Love you!!!
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