I was visiting one of my blogland friends
Jill a while back and she had this wonderful idea about answering questions from her readers. Then
Karolee did the same thing recently. I thought I would “borrow” the idea from these lovely ladies.
Over the next few days leave a question you would like for me to answer. Ask me anything you would like to know. I will post the answers to those questions.
I would also like to thank
Yokoso for the Faithful Visitor Award. This was what she had to say:
award Nadine from "Just Being Me" blogspot, for being such a faithful visitor. Thank-you Nadine, for always being there, for surprising me with your short but sweet comments and for your understanding. You are a great representation of our Heavenly Father’s faithfulness, who never leaves us nor forsakes us.
I have many faithful visitors who stop by. I’ll like to pass this on to those who faithfully read this blog, whether you comment or not. Thank you for visiting me and letting me be part of your world.
Now don’t forget to leave your questions.
© Nadine Z. 2007
You are most welcome and we enjoyed you visiting our blog too.
Hmm.... do you like chocolate?
Isn't this a great idea? But be careful! I can't believe all the really challenging questions I got! Some of them have really made me stop and think.
What do you like most about being a pastor's wife and what do you dislike most about the role?
What denomination (if any) is the church your husband is pastoring?
Have you done anything more towards getting your book published?
I'm afraid I haven't been a very faithful reader of yours lately. I'll try to do better;)
Nice idea about the questions. My question to you is what makes you most happy?
I like this idea about questions, I may eventually borrow it. So Nadine my question to you is this:
What advice would you give a young woman who is searching for direction in her life as well as purpose?
I like reading your blog! and questions... hmmm don't have one, though I'm curious to see whatothers ask you!
What a fun idea. I might have to borrow it!
Hi Nadine. I always love to come over and visit you :)
My question is: how many books do you have ready to be published?
I hope your dream comes true.
Cool idea, ummm ok here's one, what colour was your husband Tom's hair? and.....if you felt that God was calling you to adopt would you go for it now that all our children are grown up?
Interesting! A friend asked me a qn today and that inspired my latest post :)
here's my qn for u:
do u hv an Indian friend in ur real life?
Okay. I have a question and I can't think of anyone better to ask.
I'm a little embarrased.
Since I've had a son I'm afraid of dying...afraid to leave him one day...not that I expect it to happen anytime soon. Do you have a fear of death?
You seem to have such an amazing faith. And it impresses me.
I can't think of anything to ask. I've been absent for a while from the blog but if I think of anything to ask I'll give you a shout.
You are a beautiful representation of Our Heavenly Father.
What life experiences move you the most?
I think I know the answer to this next question.
Would you rather cry over something sweet or laugh over something funny?
In the 1st centenary of his birth
If you and Tom could have a vacation home anywhere in the world, with money being no object, where would you buy?
What a fun idea!
Already, there are some questions....I'd love to hear more about your role as a Pastor's wife.....
I'd also love to hear about your pending publication of Prisoner of Circumstance. How do you handle the wait....are you working on your next book? When do you find time! Where did you find the confidence and the courage to actually send it out! Way cool!
Maybe my first question should have been, "Will you answer more than one question, please?"
There's so much to know!
How did you end up on the west coast?
Still looking for Tim Tams...
This is a great IDEA! I may barrow this if that is alright!
My question for you is:
How to you view drinking alcohol as a chrisian?
THANK you also for the award!
what a nice post Nadine! great idea too!
I wanted to let you know the chicken was totally awesome! We loved it so much thank you! The guests I made it for are extreme overweight and are trying to follow a pretty strict diet so i could not further it with the chicken soup but I topped it with lots of buttered sauted onions and yummy it was!
Thank you again!
Hmmm...at first I couldn't think of anything to ask you, but then I thought about it more and thought of this:
What is your favourite, most adventurous childhood memory? And how old were you at the time? And why is it your favourite?
Yikes! I'm very late in submitting questions.... I'm woefully behind on my blog reading.
1. I asked Leah this, too. Since the holidays are nearly upon us, please share some special family holiday traditions and/or memories. Do you have pasta? :o)
2. What is the one piece of advice you've given your children that they would say has impacted them the most?
You are very deserving of the award!
Do you love the area where you live? Where all have you lived? Have you ever been to Oklahoma? What comes to mind when you think of Oklahoma? (Don't worry, you won't hurt my feelings!) ;0)
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