There was the email I was waiting for. They suggested I just not use one of the special skins (background picture) to see if the issue resolved. After playing with it and getting no where fast, I decided I should go and pray. I realized I had spent the first twenty minutes of my day working on this stupid computer issue.
Needless to say I felt convicted that I just didn't go pray first. I've been asking God to transform and change me from the inside and believe me He has been working overtime. So I asked forgiveness for not obeying His gentle reminder to pray this morning right away.
After I finished praying, I went upstairs and took a second look at changing my map. It took literally two seconds to remove the skin. It still has not solved the problem my Mac friends say, so I might be saying goodbye to my cute little counter if NeoWorx can’t resolve the issue.
Note to self; when God wakes you up, pray first.
© Nadine Z. 2008
I have had this very same experience. It amazes me how quickly and easily distracted I can become with the stuff of life when what I most need to do is spend time with Him. Thanks for the reminded.
I love you,
I am just amazed by the energy exude within you Nadine, I have a lot to learn from you :D
How nice! I love your little reminders. Thanks, Nadine.
That's happened to me, too, when I feel overwhelmed w/ work and responsibilities. I feel I have no time to pray, but when I make time anyway, I find I have more peace, energy and time. What's up with that?? Prayer really works!
Great reminder to pray first then do the 'stuff'.
Hugs to you, you are beautiful inside and out!!
Oh I can relate to that! I've been awaken before. Yup I agree, pray first.
"Gentle nudges"
Thank you. Your words are so encouraging, and YES. I need to start my day with prayer. I forget because I am NOT a morning person. Maybe through prayer, God would change this! Jennifer
Thanks for leaving the note. I am swamped and falling behind even. I haven't had much time...but then, I haven't spent the first part of my day in prayer either. That's a very good idea...and under normal circumstances, something I do regularly; however, I think I have failed lately due to this crazy life, and am truly convicted.
Here's a sum:
Niece (24) had simple surgery; Doc messed up; Niece filled with bile; Auntie (that's me) is caring for her & her baby; sister ended up in ER; Auntie to the rescue for her 2 boys; school; work; church responsibilities; stressed; put on 8lbs; had a few "special moments;" and have never been so tired in all my life. Infinate Kudos to mom's...I have no idea how they do it!
Thanks for thinking of me...many blessings to ya. I'll be back in the swing of things soon.
I think I need to put that up on a big poster on the ceiling above my bed, for all the times when I've awakened and wondered why and thought of the good I could do and then went back to bed.
Thank Nadine
Hi Nadine - oh, I struggle with this too. I usually get up and run (with partners) then come back for quiet time. Sometimes the ocmputer wins over that time - not good! Great post!
Good post. The better we "know" God, the more we can see how we really need His strength just to do the simplest acts of worship. But, no worries mate! God knew you'd do that anyway and used it to again remind you that you really need Him for everything. Thanks.
That is a great reminder, thanks for it!
Good reminder!
it's amazing how we get nagged to do what we should have done in the first place! hope you get the skins figured out!!!
That was a great reminder and now I know one of the many reasons why I've been missing you so much...your wisdom and insight. You are such a gem, Nadine!
lovely post Nadine!
but I dun pray daily as in sit in front of a shrine etc...I think God knows that my prayers come thru my deeds.
A great reminder, Nadine!!! I get easily distracted, too...and then end up wasting so much time!
Starting the day with prayer is so important! Most days, at least right now in this season of life, I have to whisper a just a short prayer and have my longer "alone" time later on...but even a short prayer helps me so much!
I've noticed that the first time he does this, I don't listen either. But he is kind and gracious to give us more chances.
I'm glad to see that you and I are working on this same issue at the same time. It's nice to have company :)
Wow - great post! I have been sleeping in late because of my late nights with the SOM. This morning I woke up early and had a wonderful Quiet Time.
Amen to that, Nadine. I usually sleep through the night, but sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I know that it is His prompting. Although I don't know what to pray - He does :)
I've had this happen too. Its amazing how quickly I can use up a significant amount of time online and not get anything significant accomplished.
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