Hmmmm. We live in a gated community, yet we have had break-ins. A thief will come whether you are watching or not. He will force his way into your world, uninvited. The notice also said for us to keep our doors and windows locked. It also suggested we get insurance for our personal belongings. Hmmmm. How very helpful of them, right?
I usually panic when I hear about things like this, but smarter, cooler heads prevailed – that’s right, Tom. He reminded me that what I focus on becomes my reality. I should put my trust in God and we should get renter’s insurance (which covers not only theft, but tornados, etc.). What a smart man.
There are locks on our doors and our windows. I could choose to stay at home all the time and never leave for fear that someone will enter. For me it’s the things you can’t replace that would bother me to lose. The thief doesn’t care about our memories.
I was thinking about the locks on my doors. How it’s secured and if I wanted to I could get more locks and bolts to shut out the outside world. I can build myself a little fortress and keep out the bad of this world. I decided not to do any of that. I did get renter’s insurance. I decided to leave my home in the hands of the Lord.
I was reminded of the picture of Jesus standing at the door and knocking. It’s ba
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”
There is no lock or knob on the outside of the door. Jesus waits patiently for me to open the door and let Him in. I’m grateful He doesn’t leave. I know this about myself; I have trouble letting people in too deep. I tend to protect myself and my heart and if I’m not careful can build a brick wall around my heart. The problem with that is I’m keeping everyone out that way – even Jesus. That’s not good.
Locks have their place in my life – on my car, on my home, etc. The one thing I know for sure it doesn’t belong on my heart. I would not only leave the bad things out but also the good. So for now, I trust the Lord with my home and with my heart. It is very freeing for me.
© Nadine Zawacki 2008
And I'm privileged to have the key to your heart, thank you for giving it to me so many years ago. I love you.
Forever Yours,
When we first moved to California another couple was moving into our apartment complex and was held at gun point and robbed. I was so scared. But time, patience and locks prevailed and we never experienced any violence or crime during our stay there. We were totally watched over :)
"I decided to leave my home in the hands of the Lord."
What we each must do.....place our entire EVERYTHING in His hands. After all, it is He who controls the very beat of our heart and the very next breath in our lungs. He CARES for us!!!! Praise God He does.
Nadine... you have the biggest, deepest, widest heart imaginable. And the wisdom and strength of God to release your heart to the world, and trust in His protection as well.
I love this post. You are a remarkable woman with so, so, so much to give our world...
You are so right. I could've written this post!
Earlier today I was asking myself how can there be hope without any trust? Somehow this message relates to this.
I think it is easy for us to lock out hearts, without even realizing we have done so...letting a shell form over our hearts after one hurt too many, or simply waking one day to find our heart has become numb...
That is where my husband and I found ourselves after a long series of losses/deep hurts crowded into a two year period...with hearts that just wound up being numb and closed off for several years after.
God began waking back up our numb hearts a year and a half ago.
Great picture and you are right, there are many places for locks, but not locks on our heart.
Isn't it sad that Jesus is standing on the outter door of the Laodicaen congregations heart, as though he had been excommunicated from their congregation? Just a thought
Dr Rick
Such great thoughts again! I remember the first time I realized that there wasn't a knob on the outside of that pictured door. Such a great analogy.
Great point. We live in what we always knew as a very safe place but there has been alot of break ins lately all around us. I feel very protected by the Lord.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart....
Say....whens your book coming out....?
I Love This Post!
Psalm 91 was brought to my attention a few days ago and it is about this very thing. I was going to paste it here, but its kind of long ;-)
Aw it's nice you got the notice, but it would have bothered me to read that after just moving in. And yes locks do not belong on our hearts for Jesus, but I believe there is a place for a locked heart sometimes. Just like God created thoughts and silence. I think the locked heart in an important way to keep Godly secrets close, just like we can talk to God with our thoughts! Does that make any sense at all? hmmm...it's hard to explain.
I do believe though that we should give our whole hearts to our Creator, and let Him in to our lives. For He can protect our lives way better than any security system could.
Well that certainly was a "welcome to the neighborhood" note. Gee's Nadine...you are very brave and wise.
Good post, it spoke to my heart in many ways. We are headed for some very interesting times in the next few years, our faith and trust will be put to the test more than ever...
Mateo always is the voice if reason in My life too. I tend to think just like you. Be safe My friend!!!!!
so true Nadine. I love your thoughts.
Come see me to claim your prize.
wow! I Think you got it all in a right perspective Nadine! You are right on!
great point! locks have their place!
hugs my friend!
That is so good!!
HUGS dear :)
Good way to look at an intimidating situation. And Tom... he loves you BIG doesn't he!
yes a locked heart is a lonely heart. such a beautiful reminder. i love that passage. your hubs is so sweet!
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