Tom and got back Monday from a long weekend. The primary mission – find a place to live. That doesn’t sound too difficult right? We saw some not so nice places. One place an agent took us smelled of smoke and musk. It had shag carpets and a kitchen circa 1940’s. The landlord said she was going to shampoo the rugs – seriously, I don’t think that would have helped.
The good news is we have a place to live. It’s clean, freshly painted, new carpets and has two bedrooms. There’s a basement for extra storage. Someone lives in an upstairs apartment. Our apartment is on the first floor of the house. It was a big load off my mind to find a place to live. It is also only minutes from the church. Could you believe I left my camera at the hotel? The photo above is the kitchen from the MSL listing.
Now, it’s time to pack, pack, and pack some more. Fortunately, I didn’t unpack half my things six months ago. Next week the PODs come and then when all the work is done – it’s road trip time.
So I will be absent for a bit while I pack up my home and do all those fun last minute things.
© Nadine Zawacki 2009
congrats Nadine! I am SOOO happy for you! How exciting! I hope the whole transition goes well for you and Tom!
well done! i learned a thing a two about real estate in NY. there are so many neat things about that city but i don't think i could give up my Texas sized closets and bathrooms and yard!
i decided, however, that i would like to take a trip there once a year AND that every American should try to go there at least for a few days at some point. it is so different and magnificent!
WON-DER-FUL!! I am so glad that you have that off of your mind. I pray that the Lord blesses your new home and the two awesome people who will reside there.
I haven't forgotten about the 17th - is that still on your trip calendar? I am trying to work things out. I'll be in touch soon.
Take care Nadine.
That's wonderful Nadine, I'm sure it is a huge concern off your minds. God is good and always comes through in the nick of time. Wonder why He does that sometimes. lol! ;)
It's been years since I've been back in NY, oh those were the days when Cindy and I were there in the early 70's...
Looking forward to more pics. Be safe on your travels once again!
I've been thinking about you two! Glad to hear it was a successful house trip. Keep us posted whenever you have a free moment.
Blessings, friend!
This is wonderful and from the love of this picture it seems like a very big place.
Have fun packing & unpacking :D
Congratulations. You'll have great memories in your new home.
Twitter: AboutParenting
What a relief!
Good luck with everything!
I know that is a big relief to you. Trust it will all run smoothly. Happy Easter to you and Tom.
Yes, I can believe you left your camera behind - I do that at the most inopportune moments.
I am so glad you found a house instead of an apartment building - the kitchen looks roomier than mine by a long shot.
I'm also glad that you haven't unpacked a lot of stuff. The road trip part sounds wonderful.
Looking forward to hearing of your new adventures! Tom must be doing well .
Good luck Nadine!
And congrats on your book!That is amazing!
Great Nadine!Very happy you found home! see you soon:)
YEAH so happy for you:)
Happy un-packing!!
yipeee!!! i'm so glad you got a house right away!
You must be soooo relieved! God is good isn't he!
I can only imagine how relieved you must be. Praying for a safe move, friend!
hi Nadine! just hopping by your blog and I feel that you are so cool... congrats on your new novel.. will try to find in singapore here n buy a copy... keep it up the good work ya =)
finding this nice clean new place, must be a load off your shoulders!
I would like to move too, away from the neighbor's smoke and into a place with a yard!
why'd you have to move? I missed that somewhere along the line :)
I like the size of your new kitchen. I really hope the neighbors above you won't be too noisy...
I'm so excited for you! Congrats on finding a new home...and so close to the church. What a blessing!
I can't wait to see more pictures!!
I'm glad to hear you found a home. It's always nice to have somewhere you can go at the end of the day and relax. It's also a lot better then living out of a suitcase.
Hey, congratulations!
I'm also looking at buying a home this year. Congratulations!
Not too long and you'll finally be settled, and hope you don't have to move again for a long time, right?!
Happy Easter!
Nadine, I am so very happy for you. The apartment looks lovely! Our good Lord has come through once again at the most perfect time. Isn't this always the way! Your faith carries you like a beautiful little wind...
About 5 years ago, Jane bought her first home (she was about to be married). It was a lovely little home in a beautiful area, but had been on the market for some time. Why? The elderly man who had lived there alone for decades was a heavy smoker. Shag carpets. Closed windows. Paneling. There was actually nicotine pouring down the walls. Well, it was such a great deal that she bought the house. I spent 6 months helping her clean and paint every crevice in each room. It was hard, hard work. Eventually, the house sparkled like a gem. (As an aside, Jane's soon-to-be-ex-husband didn't do anything to help... sad for him not to have cared...)
I guess what I am trying to say is, thank God for God! He delivered a perfect place for you... and He takes care of us in ways we cannot imagine! Good luck and go slowly!!!!
Congratulations Nadine! So time for the POD people to come :-)
Going to miss you here in Texas, but so glad that God is opening doors for you and Tom in this next chapter of your journey.
Looking forward to reading the road trip diaries!
Blessings as you pack and safe travels as you fly back and then start the road trip!
Oh, the joys of moving. Way back, I moved 8 times in 8 years and at 2 places were were there for 2 years each, so that tells you something. No fun, I assure you. Anyway, I'm glad you are finally on your way.
Oh, by the way, your book finally arrived and I began teh first few pages last night. I love it so far but I was so very tired from 2 days activities with 3 nephews that I sadly fell asleep still holding the book. More tonight.
Take care now.
woooooo!!! Can't wait for more pics. Enjoy putting your new place together and Happy HAPPY easter!!! xo.
Yay! Glad to hear you found a place.
Hope it will be an easy transition for ya's.
Praying it goes well.
I'm so excited for you and Tom...good luck with the move!!
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