Now over 400 posts later, 70,6007 (approximate) hits on my blog from people all over the world and 52 followers (never to late to follow), I find myself blessed. I’m blessed because I have had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people through the world of blogging. Some of you have been reading my musings from the beginning and others joined me somewhere along the way. I’ve gotten to meet three of you in person and spoken to a few of you on the phone. I’ve not been disappointed because you were just as you represented yourselves to be.
In the past three years you have joined me on this journey called life. Supported me through Tom’s fight with cancer, followed me on my road trips and cruises, celebrated birthdays and anniversaries. You followed my journey as I prepared to self publish my first novel and were there with your support when it finally came to pass.
Your support and encouragement have been invaluable.
I want to thank you for letting me peek into your world as well. I’ve enjoyed pictures of your kids as they grow up and the stories you share about them. I’ve loved your humor at life and laughed along with you. I’ve been uplifted by your spiritual journey and encouraged by your faith.
Why do I blog? In my first post, I mentioned how I love to tell a story. I still do.
I’ll continue to blog until I feel I have nothing else to say. Thank you - all of you who comment and those of you who don’t, but keep coming back to hear what I have to say. Thank you for reading.
© Nadine Zawacki 2009
congrats on your blogging bday! i am so excited to read the next three years of blog posts, more posts about good health, happy birthdays, anniversaries and more published books!
What a great reason to blog, to tell stories... not to mention all the perks that came with it. Thank you for your transparency, I have enjoyed "getting to know" you and Tom better through your blogs.
Congrats my dear friend.
and thank you for starting me down the path of blogland :)
Happy three years of blogging! I certainly have enjoyed getting to know you although I have only been blogging since December. I look forward to visiting you for many anniversaries to come!
Warm, wonderful congratulations on this special anniversary! Isn't it amazing how technology has given people the opportunities to become friends and confidantes and great sharers of our lives... our stories. You draw people to you with your ease of weaving words and thoughts. You are a gifted writer and wife and mom and friend. Many people still ask me, "How could you tell strangers things about your life on-line?" Well.. I always say that if this technology exists, then God had a hand in it. It is to be used and shared and enjoyed. And in some way, I honestly think that it connects people in ways that may even bring about a greater peace. It is a way to reach people otherwise unreachable. I am happy and honored to know you... and I am mesmerized by your spirit. It comes through this miracle of technology every single day! With much love, Sharon
I am glad I found you - I always try to remember how I connected with people, and often I cannot. But it has been such a blessing, this blogging journey. I began in June 3 years ago, so will soon have this anniversary as well.
I totally agree with you on everything you said here - and I love your first entry. I have met 5 blogging friends as, just as you said, they were who they said they were.
The other huge blessing is the prayer support we receive from these wonderful (mostly) women, and the miracles we've seen happen.
Even my own sister, who is a terrific writer and a great person, cannot understand why I blog. Maybe now that she's retiring she'll jump in and give it a try.
Onward and forward to many more words, thoughts, and stories! I love how you take ordinary life experiences and turn them into a spiritual application.
Yes...keep counting Nadine ;) No matter how long we stay on blogging, we know our friendship is going to last forever :D
Congratulations on three years of blogging! I am so glad I stubmled across your blog (I don't even remember how now) and had the pleasure of reading your first book. (When is the second coming???) And, most importantly, it's been my honor to pray for you and Tom!
Wishing you many more years of writing!
Happy 3 years! So glad you have a blog - you and your writing have been a real blessing to me!
Happy 3rd year blogiversary. It is a wonderful, fulfilling adventure.
congrat's! 3 years and yet it seems like yesterday doesn't it?
What a fun milestone! Happy blogiversary.
I for one will keep on coming back! Congrats on your 3 year blogoversary!
How funny, I've been blogging for three years as well...4 if you count "the bad year." (I had a few entries in '05.)
I am SO glad I found you, although I'm not sure how/where/when it happened. I loved being a part of your preps for the book and then when it came out, I was so thrilled for you! I love that I have a copy in my hands...and I know my friend, Bin, wants to read it. When I see her later this summer, I MIGHT let her borrow it. ;)
Anyway, congrats for sticking with it and I KNOW you'll always have stories to tell.
Btw, you tell them so well! It's why I keep coming back.
Happy Blogiversary Nadine! Three years is HUGE!! I am so thankful to read you and I am continually blessed by you!!
HAPPY Blogoversary :)
I love reading your blog and getting to know you!
Aw, that brought tears to my eyes! Non-bloggers will never understand the wonder of blogging!
Congratulations gal. I just found your blog today. I will read your book and suggest for our club. We sometimes do tele conferences with authors who are available. I am just starting. I invite you to visit me in Ky. and I would love to follow yours. You may become too famous to have time to blog. Thanks for sharing.
As long as you continue to write, I will continue to read! I blog for the very same reason..to meet new people all around the world that I would otherwise not get to meet.
Happy 3rd anniversary!
Happy Be-lated Blog Birthday
Happy blogversity!love read your stories.
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