Our PODS arrived on Friday. We needed to get the TVs, computers and phones out of the PODS and set up for the internet man who was coming the next morning. We told the movers in Texas to make sure those boxes were accessible. Was that case? No. Thanks to two fantastic guys from the church, Peter and Maurice the TVs were rescued. Unfortunately they had to remove a love seat, large chair, Tom’s desk, a futon and several boxes to get to it. We appreciated their help very much. They worked hard even when rain started to pour down on them.
Saturday came and an army from the church came and unloaded both PODS in just one hour (it rained Saturday too). While the men were taking down doors and moving heavy furniture and tons of boxes, etc. the wonderful ladies were unpacking boxes and helping to set up the kitchen, bathroom and helping to make sure my bed was made. The basement stored all our belongings that couldn’t fit in the apartment. A couple of guys moved things around and organized it so that I could easily get to the boxes.
It doesn’t stop there. Some people bought donuts, cookies, bagels, coffee, and orange juice for everyone to munch on while they worked. Wow right? What I didn’t realized was that one of the men of the church who loves to cook got up at 5:30 in the morning to make baked ziti, Chicken Masala, salad, and fruit to feed the masses. It was delicious – thank you Sal and Maria.
Tom and I felt very loved by everyone in the church. The army of help we received over the weekend was priceless to us. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Now whoever says New Yorkers are rude haven’t met these wonderful people.
© Nadine Zawacki 2009
I'm now convinced that food IS indeed the 6th love language and I am feeling VERY loved!
My heart felt thanks to everyone!
Aww, that's so sweet!! It's ALMOST as sweet as the Bridge folks would have been if you were moving back to the Tri Cities :)
love ya!
Wow! It's so nice to have a church family! You must be reaping what you have sowed--good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over!
WOW! WOW! WOW! that is amazing that right off the bat you have been shown so much love! well, having not met you (technically) i think you are probably one of these people who is very easy to love!
Isn't it just awesome to be a part of the body of Christ... no matter what part of this world you're living? I am so happy that you have been so blessed already!
Praying all continues to go well as you settle into your new home, community and congregation!
How wonderful! Christ met your needs through these wonderful people! Ain't God good?!!
I'm so glad that you and Tom rec'd a warm and loving welcome.
You and Tom are sure blessed Nadine! You're just being bombarded with love and kindness...how wonderful!
I hope your new home is coming together and that it's starting to feel like "home" for you. It sounds like the ladies from church were a hugh help with unpacking.
You're very lucky to have the opportunity to be experiencing these recent moves and you're making wonderful friends in the process. What fun! I wish you both much happiness on this new adventure.
I'm so glad you made it! It sounds like you've been surrounded by a wonderful community there.
Yeah! You arrived safely and enjoyed the journey. The welcome and love your received was so nice! Happy New Home!
Oh wow! How wonderful that you guys got some help and are settling in!
heheh @ Tom's comment, my husband would whole heartedly agree!
Wow...the only thing waiting for us when we got the keys to our house was some bills!
What a nice blessing..and all that help! I hope all is well and prospering for you both. God's blessing on you and yours. Strider
Aww~that's awesome!
What a joyous post to read about walking the walk and showing forth the love of Christ. It also speaks of you reap what you sow and I know you and Tom sow good!!! This is a testimony to that. Sounds wonderful and lovely and I'm so happy for you guys.
Having been on both ends - moving into a parsonage and moving a new pastor in - I know how blessed it is to have a wonderful church family waiting to help!
I can't wait to go to New York one day and get to meet some nice New Yorkers!!!
Hey this is absolutely wonderful and yes it is not very nice to stereotype New Yorkers and I'm sure there is nice people around.
I want to meet your landlord someday :D
Remember to give me your new address Nadine :D
very cool
Food = Love...I agree with Tom. Remember, I come from a Cuban family (as if I could let you forget!) and they love to feed you AND eat! lol
Sounds like you're HOME, and among the best of New Yorkers. I'm so glad you received a warm reception...and that they made sure your bed was made, Chica! That's very important!! :)
How very very nice! The flowers are such a nice touch.
Wow, that was so nice to get all of that help. People, most of them are wonderful. I hope you are settling into your new home.
Wow! What wonderful people to help you. And I'm glad you are there and getting settled in.
This is fantastic! Be Blessed!
Wow, you are not kidding when you say an army of people. I have to agree with your husband about food being the 6th love language. When I was sick, an small army fed our large family for days and it was such a terrific help. I am so glad that you are getting settled and being loved on by New Yorkers. I love New York and have never felt anything less than well cared for.
Yay! Sounds like a move orchestrated by one Awesome Daddy who loves to love His people.
My my my... I'm so glad you've been properly welcomed and are being well loved-on!!
Much grace and love to both of you!
Happy organizing and settling in!
I am so happy for you. You already know that your neighbors are awesome and it sounds like you have a wonderful church family. What more do you need. Blessings in your new home and your new church.
The whole rude New Yorker thing came out of the media. My dad lives in northwestern New Jersey and he took me to a Yankee game years after I met you and Tom and truthfully, Yankee fans are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. I had never met this couple that was seated next to us and they bought us hot dogs and pretzels once they realized it was our first game at the stadium.
There are rude people everywhere. Sometimes you just have to love them more.
I thought of you the other day when I saw a PODS being left in the driveway of our neighbours house. I'd never heard of them before until your blog.
I've been to NYC several times and everyone was very kind and helpful. I think NY'ers get that reputation because they have a very low BS tolerance, but if you are in actual need, they will do anything to help you. I think they know what it's like to need help. So, yay, another great NY story! Maybe if I'm lucky, one day I'll live there.
Welcome back to your home!
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