Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Taking Chance

On Memorial Day, Tom and I watched the movie, “Taking Chance.” I’m glad we did. I highly recommend this movie to everyone.

The movie is based on the true life journey of Lt. Col. Mike Strobl as he volunteered to escort the body of Pfc. Chance Phelps home. I was moved to tears by the honor and respect shown to our fallen military heroes. I had no idea all that is involved in this process. So many scenes had little dialogue, but none was needed.

Thank you to all of you who sacrifice so much for freedom – the soldiers and their families.

This HBO movie was well written, well acted and simply well done.

© Nadine Zawacki 2010

Hat tip to Dad for suggesting we watch this movie.


Dawn said...

Sounds like a winner. I'll be sure to check it out.

j said...

I'll have to look for this movie - coming from you it's highly recommended :)

Have a wonderful day Nadine!