I love my husband. He gave me a gift for Christmas that keeps on giving – a Kitchen Aid. I love my Kitchen Aid so much that I named her Shirley. Why name her? Well, she is more like a partner in the kitchen rather than a mere appliance. She whips and mixes like nothing I’ve ever used before. I wanted one for 20 years so the least I could do is name her.
The very first thing I made was whipped cream. It was easy, creamy, light – everything whipped cream should be. Below is a picture of fresh fruit (blackberries and raspberries) and whipped cream. The only thing missing is shaved chocolate on top.

Then Shirley and I made homemade pizza dough. It was easy and delicious. My pepperoni bread never looked or tasted so good.

I love playing around with Shirley. We make a good team. I really don’t know how I managed without her all these years. Everyone who loves to cook needs to have a Shirley in their life. It makes cooking easy and fun. From mashed potatoes to bread and everything in between will be done with ease.
Thanks Tom for Shirley. I love you. Thank you for spoiling me. And Shirley – well it’s obvious how I feel about you.
© Nadine Zawacki 2011
I love this post :)
I definitely want to have a cooking lesson with you sometime. Girls night? (That includes Shirley)
Shirley looks like a very good new friend!
My Shirley is red, also a gift from my hubby (several birthdays ago) and I love "her," too!
Happy mixing!
I agree "Happy mixing".
I'm severely jealous! My handmixer was a quick $5. buy out of necessity. Have to use a very deep bowl or whatever I'm mixing will be all over the kitchen. It has only one speed--High!
Maybe I'll acquire a Shirley someday!
I had a Shirley once...but she was stolen when I moved a year after I had her...I will have another one day! Can I join you and Candice for that cooking lesson pleasae???????
Oh, I want a Shirley! Maybe I should start naming all my kitche appliances. That'd be a hoot! lol
Can you imagine..."Honey, I'm turning Alejandro on!" (and hit the on button on my espresso maker!). Ha! ;)
kitche, no...I know it's "kitchen!" (I'm not THAT Cuban, Chica! lol)
shirley looks like an true friend! a few years ago, my hubs gave me a cuisinart stand mixer - its nice, but not nice enough for a name. i think i have mixer envy. :-/
and those berries and cream? hummina-hummina.
May I request for a whipped cream with rasperry to go with the yummy pizza :)
I think it is time for me to name all my kithen utensils too :D
love it! I have a kitchen aid mixer i would be lost with out it!!!
love your creations...YUMMY:)
Oh I LIKE Shirley. Her paint finish looks cool.
I have my Aunt's Kitchen Aid mixer. It looks very much like Shirley only it is white. I've made lots of Birthday cakes with it and it is even more precious because it belonged to my aunt.
Keep building that bond with Shirley :)
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