In the middle of it, Tom called and asked if I could pick him up. No problem. He was only a couple blocks away. It was really cold outside and I didn’t want him to walk in the cold. So I picked him up and on the way back home, I mentioned how I was having a hard time trying to focus on my blog post. Do you want to know what my wonderful, loving hubby said?
“Can you focus on making me some lunch? Can you focus on that?”
He said it with a smile on his face. I knew he was teasing, but the situation brought to mind another incident that happened a week ago. Tom had an early morning doctor’s appointment. It was with a new doctor so I went with him to fill out all the forms. I usually make Tom breakfast every morning, but that day there wasn’t anytime. While filling out the form, I asked Tom a question. His response:
“I’m sorry; I didn’t hear you over the rumbling of my stomach.”
I just had to laugh again. When I first met Tom he was such a serious person. Very focused. Very determined. He has lightened up over the years and I guess it’s my own fault. I have helped him lighten up and he helped me be more focused. We make each other laugh. Laughing is good medicine. I’m still the funnier one though, in case you were wondering.
I wrote a different blog post (after I made him a couple of grilled cheese sandwiches) and it was done in about ten minutes. Thanks babe for helping focus.
© Nadine Zawacki 2011
and the two grilled cheese sandwiches were perfect! I'm so glad you have added the funny to me and that I can now make you laugh :)
The picture bugs my eyes out but I can't help but look at it. I loved this post. Definitely can relate to it!
ha ha funny, Tom was very ' focused ' on needing his lunch. I guess you got a laugh out of it.
and he got his lunch lol
You and Tom make me smile.
My word verification is "nonsop"... why that cracks me up I don't know, but it does.
I am having a hard time coming up with a post subject right now - I seem to be temporarily (I hope) out of words!
I can never just sit and "focus" on writing. That is hard on any given day. The distractions that took you away produced a lovely post today. Thanks for not focussing, so you could focus.
your post made me laugh. your photo makes my eyes dance. maybe I'll combine the two as I focus on the Lord with Misty Edwards this morning.
Cute!!! Sound a lot like my house.
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