Friday, October 20, 2006

Thank God It’s Friday

It’s funny to me how people can’t wait for Friday to come. It signifies for most an end to their week. You wake up on Friday morning and you’re so excited because you know you have only eight hours left and then freedom. The excitement builds at lunchtime because the day is halfway over with. It doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not, everyone gives Him thanks on Friday. I use to dread Sundays because it meant the whole week started again the next day. But now I just enjoy the day and realize it’s not Monday yet. Don’t let the threat of Monday ruin Sunday. Okay, I admit it was my husband who taught me that.

My boss is building a very elaborate 9,000 square foot home (think mansion). It’s been going on for two years and it’s getting close to the end. So he comes to me and asks this question, “If you were to paint a mural in your bedroom, what kind of picture would you have.” Now the thought goes through my mind that he’s talking to woman whose walls are still painted off white like the day she moved in. I replied that a peaceful image might be nice. So I showed him how to use Google images to look for pictures he might enjoy. I realized later on that it was a cry for help. He has picked out every little detail in the house and he’s gotten to the point where he doesn’t want to choose another thing. So this weekend I’ll spend some time looking for some cool pictures for him. Why did I share that? I don’t know.

So I want to thank God not only that it’s Friday, but also for making it a bearable Friday that bordered on enjoyable. God rocks!

© Nadine Z.

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