Saturday, October 28, 2006

Reading is Fundamental

I love to read fiction novels. The first time I picked up a copy of Frank Peretti’s This Present Darkness, I couldn’t put it down. I was totally fascinated with the whole concept of the book and it brought me to a place where I started to pray on a more regular basis. I know that his story was purely fiction, but it started me thinking about the power of prayer.

I find the same thing happening with another favorite author, Ted Dekker. His stories are totally fascinating. I started with his trilogy, Black, Red, and White. When I was reading the second one in the series I started to realize there was a problem. I had to read it whenever I wasn’t doing something I had to do like, eat, shower, work or sleep. I told my poor husband, “Sorry honey, but this house is not going to get cleaned until I finish the last book in the series. Please forgive me.” He understood and it didn’t bother him in the least because he was one book ahead of me and understood. So the house did get clean and boy did it need it.

I started to realize that I read very quickly. I devour books at record speed. I have to find out what happens next. I also have to confess that I’m one of those people who sometimes read ahead a bit because I can't stand the suspense. After reading this trilogy, I picked up every book written by Ted Dekker. Each one was totally awesome. His ideas are unique and outside the box of what mainstream Christian fiction authors write about. He gets criticized because of this from the church. But he doesn’t write for the church. He writes what God places in heart and spirit to write. I didn’t see Jesus pulling any punches for the mainstream church. Matthew 12:34 - You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. I would say the Jesus was an outside of the box kind of guy.

What I enjoy doing after I read these books that I love at record speed is re-read them. I can’t begin to count the amount of times I read Frank Peretti’s This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness in the last 20 years. Wow, I’m really old if I can tell stories that took place over 20 years ago. I realized how much I missed the first time around. I believe I enjoy the book more. If I can pick up so much the 2nd time and 3rd time around, how much do I miss every time I read God’s word? How much more beneficial is it to me to repeatedly soak the living word into my heart and spirit. Re-reading novels is for fun. Re-reading God’s word is life giving. I know I can’t have enough life giving activity in my life, how about you? The same scripture verse never speaks to me in the same way twice. God is good and His word is good. Not only do I need to have more of his presence in my life, I also need His life giving word. Reading is fundamental.

© Nadine Z.

Friday, October 27, 2006


One of my favorite new shows on television is Heroes. I appreciate the unique concept of the show. There are few shows that I will tape while I’m away from home, Lost, ER and Gilmore Girls. Okay I’ll admit it, I also love Dancing with the Stars, now is the moment you take a break, laugh and mock me before continuing to read the rest of this article.

Heroes is about individuals who suddenly start to realize they have unique abilities (superpowers for lack of a better term). A nuclear explosion is coming that will end the world (or least New York). One person has the ability to fly but he doesn’t want to recognize that ability because he’s running for office so he ignores the fact that he has this gifting. Then one day he’s captured by some bad guys and to get away he shoots up in the air and creates a sonic boom before he flies off to safety. His brother dreams he can fly but he can only fly in reality when his brother is around. As the time progresses, he realizes he can pick up other people’s abilities by being around them (now that is really a cool gifting because he has the benefit of being able to do multiple things, but only by being with someone else).

Another person can stop time and transport between time and space. He’s very excited about his ability and is a big comic book fan and embraces the fact that he called to save the world. He seeks out another person he realizes has an amazing gift when he comes across a comic book about featuring his ability to travel between time and space. The guy who wrote the comic is a drug addict whose ability to paint the future happens when he’s high. He paints about these other heroes and situations they find themselves in. One of the paintings is done on the floor about a nuclear explosion that happens in New York.

There is a cheerleader who is invincible. She can’t seem to die because her body rejuvenates itself instantly when she gets seriously hurt. There was some really cool situations with her almost dying. She’s also reluctant to embrace her abilities and wants to keep it a secret from everyone.

There’s a cop who suddenly finds himself with the ability to read people’s mind. Imagine how handy that can be in some situations. He’s not quite sure what to do with his ability and his struggle to find the right balance and control of his ability.

So this show started to speak to me today. I find it interesting that these different types of people are being used to come together and help save the world. They each have unique and special gifts that when they come together will help stop a tragedy from happening. Some embrace their gifts and others resist because they don’t want to face the fact that there is something special inside of them that sets them apart from others.

Gifts are given by the Lord. He gives them to whomever He chooses and it’s our responsibility to use the gifts He’s blessed us with. We can choose to ignore it, like the politician. We can choose to continue to seek out why we have this ability and what does it all mean, like the politician’s brother. We can choose to continue to struggle with our gifting or seek out how to use it better. We can choose to try to keep it a secret that we have our ability and try to get through life. Or we can choose to embrace it with all that’s within us and with our whole heart seek to do the thing that we were meant to do. What's the thing God created us to do without abandonment? I choose to embrace whatever gifts and talents that God has trusted me with and I choose to use it with my whole heart. The thing that has become apparent to me is that it takes cooperation from everyone's special ability to save the world. Not one individual gift can accomplish such a task alone. That's what we call church.

© Nadine Z. 2006

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Perfect Vacation

I was thinking about the perfect vacation. Some might think it takes place in some exotic location. As much as I would love to go to an exotic location such as, Paris, London, Madrid or any place in Italy, that is not what I would consider the perfect vacation. Crazy you say, yes I agree. A beautiful location is not the only ideal. It is quite nice, but vacations are not like real estate. Location, location, location is not everything.

The perfect vacation would be anywhere I can be with my wonderful husband, sans laptop and cell phones. Why would this be the perfect vacation you ask? I realize that the first step is recognizing there is problem. So my problem is that I don’t share well with inanimate objects. Now at home when we’re relaxing that laptop is top notch. It goes wherever I am. I like that. So it’s not totally an evil thing. I mean I love my new laptop that I got for my birthday last month.

I would be happy to go away anywhere, even an hour away from home if he would only leave the laptop home. His undivided attention is what I call the perfect vacation. Now what woman wouldn’t want that? I can’t think of one. I know he reads this blog, so this is a very obvious hint. One or two days away – what do you say handsome?

© Nadine Z.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Buildings and Relationships

There is so much construction where I live. When we first moved into our home, there was a McDonald’s, that was still being built, and two gas stations. Now there are all types of businesses. There are several banks (because one is not enough), a Blockbuster, several restaurants, and super Wal-Mart to name a few. Most of these buildings went up in record speed, with the exception of Cousins Restaurant. In the time that Cousins is being built, a gigantic Lowe’s went up and still Cousins Restaurant is not finished. It’s pretty amazing how some things go up in no time and others take a very long time to be built. Cousins Restaurant is not as big as the Lowe’s (Lowe’s probably is five times the size of Cousins) yet it’s still not finished. You would think since it’s smaller it would not take as long.

This got me to thinking. I know, this can very dangerous thing for me, but I went ahead and did it anyway. Why do some things take more time than others? Is the quality of the materials of better quality? I swear that the owners of Cousins went to the forest and picked out the trees that were cut down to build it.

Craftsmanship is not something that can be rushed. Is it more important to do something quickly or do it well? Creativity is a process and you don’t win a prize because you finish first. It will be interesting to see the quality of the workmanship of Cousins Restaurant when all is said and done.

All things that are worth it take time. Relationships take time to build. They are not done overnight. Friendships are built one step at a time. Over time it grows deeper and trust is established. Just like a bomb can bring down a building in an instant, a friendship can come down with a misunderstanding. It’s really important to guard your friendships. Life can very lonely without friends to share in not only the good times but the bad. Treasure the relationships that God has placed in your path. Don’t take them for granted. Tell a friend that they matter to you. Appreciate those who are close to you. Loneliness happens to everyone and a friend’s kind words can lift you from whatever valley you find yourself in. To all those out there who are good friends, thank you for being you.

© Nadine Z. 2006

Saturday, October 21, 2006

A Mother’s Joy

Today is my daughter’s birthday. My husband wrote a moving article about her and what he’s learned being her dad. Check out Emancipation of the Freed.

I recall the day she was born. I was in labor a very long time (18 hours). She just was not coming out on her own. Finally at 8:00 am the doctor says he would like to try one more thing. I recall asking him and probably not in a very nice way, what he was going to do in an hour. Was he going to cut me? Well then, cut me NOW! I just wanted to give birth. I was tired and in pain and I wanted it to be over with. So the doctor did a C-section.

I woke up in the hallway and was very sleepy. For 9 months Tom kept rubbing my belly and saying, “My son, my son.” I was convinced that is what we would have.

I see a nurse nearby and ask her, “Nurse, what did I have?”

She replied, “A girl, Mrs. Zawacki.”

“Oh, a boy. That’s nice.”

“No, Mrs. Zawacki, I said a girl.”

At this point I realized how out of it I was. I asked to see her. They wheeled her to me and all I saw was this beautiful face with tons of thick black hair. She was covered very tightly with a blanket. The only thought at that moment was unbelief that God would use me to bring this beautiful little baby into the world. The 18 hours of labor started to fade very quickly. It didn’t matter what had happened to bring this miracle about, she was more than worth it. I was so in love with her.

So now 23 years later, I look at her and I’m amazed that God gave me the honor to take part in her upbringing. That he loaned this beautiful young woman to me and Tom. I am proud of the woman that she is and even though she teases me that her brother is my favorite, I love her more than words can say. Happy Birthday, Lisa, you’re my favorite girl.

© Nadine Z.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Thank God It’s Friday

It’s funny to me how people can’t wait for Friday to come. It signifies for most an end to their week. You wake up on Friday morning and you’re so excited because you know you have only eight hours left and then freedom. The excitement builds at lunchtime because the day is halfway over with. It doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not, everyone gives Him thanks on Friday. I use to dread Sundays because it meant the whole week started again the next day. But now I just enjoy the day and realize it’s not Monday yet. Don’t let the threat of Monday ruin Sunday. Okay, I admit it was my husband who taught me that.

My boss is building a very elaborate 9,000 square foot home (think mansion). It’s been going on for two years and it’s getting close to the end. So he comes to me and asks this question, “If you were to paint a mural in your bedroom, what kind of picture would you have.” Now the thought goes through my mind that he’s talking to woman whose walls are still painted off white like the day she moved in. I replied that a peaceful image might be nice. So I showed him how to use Google images to look for pictures he might enjoy. I realized later on that it was a cry for help. He has picked out every little detail in the house and he’s gotten to the point where he doesn’t want to choose another thing. So this weekend I’ll spend some time looking for some cool pictures for him. Why did I share that? I don’t know.

So I want to thank God not only that it’s Friday, but also for making it a bearable Friday that bordered on enjoyable. God rocks!

© Nadine Z.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Random Quotes

I receive a newsletter, Joke of the Day, and have shared from time to time the funny. As part of the newsletter, they include quotes from various people. I wanted to share some of those with you today. I hope you enjoy.

“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.” – Josh Billings

“Never eat more than you can lift.” – Miss Piggy

“My father taught me to work; he did not teach me to love it.” – Abraham Lincoln

“Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.” – George Carlin

“Jon Bon Jovi and I have a lot in common. Jon plays the guitar; I like to play the guitar. Jon wears a leather jacket; I like to wear a leather jacket. Jon Bon Jovi was one the 50 most beautiful people in People magazine; I like to read People magazine.” – John Kerry

“Of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most.” – Mark Twain

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw

“Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar and fat.” – Alex Levine

“Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason.” – Jerry Seinfeld

“If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. It’s the hard that makes it great.” – Tom Hanks

“I used to have Mad Cow’s disease, but I’m alright Noooooooooooow.” – Bill Connolly

“The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working when you get up in the morning, and doesn’t stop until you get to the office.” – Robert Frost

“They say the seeds of what we will do are in all of us, but it always seemed to me that in those who make jokes in life the seeds are covered with better soil and with a higher grade of manure.” – Ernest Hemingway

I close with a random quote from me. “My theory is this; God will put you in the same section of heaven with the people you don’t get along with now on earth. The choice is yours, get along with them now or get along with them later for eternity.”

© Nadine Z.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Boss’s Day

Today is Boss’s Day and in case I would have forgotten, the office manager at work made sure it was on the calendar. She said a couple of weeks ago, that I have Secretary’s Day, the doctor we work for has “Doctor’s Day”, but Boss’s Day is her day. Now understand this, this would not have been a problem if she was a good boss.

My workplace is not an enjoyable environment for me. I struggle to go there everyday, but this is not news to God. The people I work with, I can’t trust. My office manager especially doesn’t seem to like me much. My saving grace, the doctor loves me. He thinks no one else can do my job (especially the office manager, which by the way doesn’t help her to like me any better) and when I came back from an extended vacation, he told me to make sure I fix any mistakes that may have been made. This makes it difficult to get time off. Don’t get me wrong, who doesn’t like being needed, but I would love to have job where I am not missed that much.

So, with all this in mind, I bought the card for the other girls to sign. I organized them to do something for her. We bought her lunch today and gave her the card and she was very happy. I’m glad she was happy. God has been softening my heart. It doesn’t matter in the long run if she is a good boss or not. What does matter is am I a good employee. That is what matters to God. I am responsible for my actions and not the actions of others. God has placed her in authority over me and it doesn’t matter if I agree with the way she leads. My responsibility is to pray for her also. So Happy Boss’s Day Linda.

© Nadine Z.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Making Lemonade

I’m sure you’re all familiar with the expression, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Who said that? I think we should form a posse and hunt down that guy. I know what it means and so does everyone else, but if you have a bunch of lemons in your hands, the last thing you want to is squeeze them into juice and add sugar to it so it’s easier to swallow. I mean you still lemons but now you have all that stuff oozing out of it.

This got me to thinking about other people we should hunt down. How about the guy who invited high heeled pointed shoes. Really, how is a normal foot supposed to squeeze itself into that? Nobody’s foot is formed that way. If you have big feet it only makes it look bigger.

How about the person who says to you (when you’re 9 months pregnant), “So when are you going to have that baby?” My response wanted to be, “I don’t know? I thought I’ll carry it around for another couple of months. I really don’t miss seeing my ankles and I’m getting use to going to bathroom every hour. I much rather keep everyone guessing about how large I can actually become without exploding.”

The next one on the list is the guy (you noticed, I haven’t blamed any women for any of these things) who came up with spandex. Spandex is a material that is not user friendly. It should come with a warning label to look carefully in the mirror before purchasing. I think that sales people have a responsibility to decency to not allow some people to buy those things. Along the lines of spandex is the bikini. Bikinis should have an age limit. Every department store in America should have bikini police who will arrest you if you try to buy one and you shouldn’t.

But there are people out there who should get kudos. Like the person who thought of putting wine and cheese together or the gal who invited the chocolate truffle. The automobile was a good idea. Imagine still having to walk everywhere or riding a horse? I’ve ridden horses and they are big and poop big poop. The streets would be disgusting. I give kudos the person who invited the computer. It’s a lot easier to type than the old fashion typewriter – spell check is one of my favorites. I have a Tempur-Pedic bed and boy is it wonderful. Major kudos for that invention.

I’m sure all of you can look at life and see the things you appreciate about it and the things you don’t. All in all remember that life is interesting because of the good and the annoying. If everything was all good, I would have had nothing to write about.

© Nadine Z.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Last Request...

Two prisoners, sentenced to die in the electric chair on the same day were led down to the room in which they would meet their maker.

The priest had given the last rites, the formal speech had been given by the warden, and a final prayer had been said among the participants. The warden, turning to the first man, solemnly asked, "Son, do you have a last request?"

To which the man replied, "Yes sir, I do. I love dance music. Could you please play "The Macarena" for me one last time?"

"Certainly," replied the warden.

He turned to the other man and asked, "Well, what about you, son? What is your final request?"

"Please," said the condemned man, "KILL ME FIRST."

Have you ever heard “The Macarena?” What an annoying song. But it doesn’t stand alone in the annoying song category. I’m sure you can think of a few: “This is the Song That Never Ends,” “The Chicken Dance,” “My Heart Must Go On,” “If You’re Happy and You Know It,” “I Shot the Sheriff,” and “Feelings.” Now I could on and on, but then you might get some of these tunes stuck in your head. If you did already, I’m very sorry.

© Nadine Z.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Laugh Together, Cry Alone

You know it seems to me that society thinks that people laugh together but cry alone. I know that there are times when you do cry alone, but that doesn’t always have to happen. Sometimes you cry and you’re surrounded. Being in a church filled with prophetic people is somewhat overwhelming when you’re trying to hide in the crowd. It’s not always easy to slip in and out, not that I would want to do that. If you don’t attend a church like that you should.

You would think when you laugh the whole world laughs with you but would rather not be around when you’re down. This also is not true. Even when what’s bothering you is hard to put in words, those people who love you don’t care why you hurt, they just care that you hurt. All they want to do is make it better. They are not interested in prying into your pain unless you chose to let them in. What they care about is that you hurt. They say and do things to make you realize that you matter to them. A phone call goes a long way.

So the next time you feel like crying, remember you don’t have to do it alone. Turn around and I’m sure there is someone there that is willing to cry with you . . . or at least hold you as you do. Laugh together, cry together. Thank you to all those people out there not willing to let people cry alone. God notices and so do the people you touch.

© Nadine Z.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

When A Man Loves a Woman

I’ve been married for over 25 years and yet my husband never ceases to amaze me. To show me how much he loves me, he stopped by my work today with beautiful flowers and a card that spoke of his love for me. That’s a good man.

I’ve learned a few things in the last 28 years together and not just from my personal relationship with Tom, but also from observations of others.

When a man loves a woman there isn’t anything he won’t do for her, even if he thinks she’s wrong. He’ll sacrifice his own happiness to protect her and alleviate her fears. He’ll forgive her even when she doesn’t ask for it. He’ll look for little ways to make her happy. He’ll buy things he can’t afford simply just to see her look of surprise. He’ll give up what he must to save her in her hour of need. Across a crowded room he’ll speak volumes without saying a work. A good man is hard to find, so if you find yourself a good man take this little bit of advice – don’t ever, ever let him go.

When I call my husband’s cell a couple of lines from this song plays. I found the lyrics, enjoy

When a man loves a woman
Can't keep his mind on nothin' else
He'd trade the world
For a good thing he's found
If she is bad, he can't see it
She can do no wrong
Turn his back on his best friend if he puts her down

When a man loves a woman
Spend his very last dime
Trying to hold on to what he needs
He'd give up all his comforts
And sleep out in the rain
If she said that's the way
It ought to be

When a man loves a woman
give you everything I've got (yeah)

Trying to hold on
To your precious love
Baby please don't treat me bad

When a man loves a woman
Deep down in his soul
She can bring him such misery
If she is playing him for a fool
He's the last one to know
Loving eyes can never see

Yes when a man loves a woman
I know exactly how he feels
'Cause baby, baby, baby I am a man

© Nadine Z.