What makes me laugh?
Comedies, comedy shows, comics, etc. That is normal, but . . .
I laugh when people fall. I know that just sounds terrible, but I can’t help it. I’m afraid that I passed that on to my daughter. Could it be the expression of surprise on the person’s face? Yes that’s a part of it, but it’s also the actual fall. If I could control myself long enough I would give out scores on a scale of one to ten.
My darling Tom has had a couple that when I retell it, I can’t control myself. Don’t think ill of me. He didn’t get hurt.
This is one of these times:
Sometimes when you watch someone fall it’s almost like watching it in slow motion. We were living in West Virginia. Our kitchen had French doors on the side that led to a side porch. Tom went outside one day and there was ice on the porch. He was wearing his slippers (not a good choice for the ice). My daughter and I were in the kitchen looking at him just in time to see him slip. First one leg seemed to be at a 90 degree angle from his body and then the other leg followed suit. He landed fast and got up even faster. He looked around to see if anyone was looking and unfortunately our next door neighbor saw. He asked Tom if he was okay. My daughter bolted to her room and I could hear her laughing. Tom came in and with has much self control I could muster; I asked if he was okay. It lasted for about ten seconds before laughter came out.
I know it’s not nice to laugh at someone when they fall, but I also know I’m not the only one out there who does. Why else would America’s Funniest Home Videos be popular or the show Wipeout.
Tom loves me even when I can’t control myself. I’m grateful.
What makes you laugh?
© Nadine Zawacki 2011