It was a long day. We were two hundred miles into our day, when a guy pulled along side of us honking and pointing to the back of the truck. We pulled over and so did he. He said the trailer tire didn’t look right. Upon further investigation there was a 12-18 inches of the tire was missing. There was a lot of metal showing. Since the trailer was carrying our car, this would have been very bad. We both think this man was an angel. We called Budget and two hours later the tire was fixed and we were back on the road.
Tom didn’t feel safe letting me get out of the truck, but here are pictures from the tire change.
My poor hubby drove a long way (500 miles). We are now settled in a hotel in
Let’s hope that tomorrow has less excitement as far as the truck and trailer goes. We will probably not do as many miles. It’s exhausting. Thank you all for your prayers. Please don’t stop praying for a safe trip.
© Nadine Zawacki 2008
lovely sunny pics Nadine! Keep enjoying! :)
Good to know a stranger helped u on the way.
I have missed reading your blogs and should start back a few to know why you are on such a long road trip. Did you house sell? Your ministry move? You sold a million books and are moving to.....higher ground. I will read backwards, but wow, it's just like our Lord Jesus to send an angel to watch out for us. I love your state shots, truly you could mix'em up and who would know one state from the next. I have done that drive before and in fact I think I have those same pictures. Blessings and prayers for safe traveling.
You think these states are boring....wait till you take I-80 through Wyoming! God only put that land in so I-80 had something to run on. Last time I was through that area, I resorted to counting the number of dead rabbits per mile. Blessings.
There are wonderful people out there looking out for each other! Glad it was only a couple of hours delay and not longer.
God bless and be safe.
Brenda :)
Neat story.
I've never been on a trip where I had to look at the same scenery for hours on end.
We have been on this road when we went to Colorado!
Our prayers are with you every day.
Love you both!
Still praying for you. Great pictures, thanks for sharing your trip.
Wow! How wonderful that man took the time!! Be safe!
Such scary times but even in the midst of them we KNOW that Jesus is with us and taking care of it all. I believe that was an Angel, too. We had a similar incident once when traveling in CA.
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