Monday, April 28, 2008

If A Tree . . .

I know you have all heard the saying, if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around – does it make a sound?

I don’t know why I was thinking about that, but since I was driving at the time and trying to pass a car, this was my next thought. If you speed on the highway and there is no cop around – are you speeding?

The answer is yes. I know you might not like that answer. I’m not a big fan of it either. I’m still working on this aspect of my personality – the driving me. It’s like I’m a completely different person. I get annoyed and I yell at the other driver – he doesn’t hear me – does it really matter. I’m afraid so.

I’m getting better at the driving thing but still not at the place I would like to be. Whether the cop is around or someone else is in the car, what happens in my heart is what matters. God knows that part. He always hears that mental gymnastics that goes on in my brain. Don’t worry, I’m not being hard on myself, just being honest.

I love being a work in progress, don’t you?

© Nadine Z. 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Winner Is, Secretary’s Day & Award

Item #1: I have a few short items to share today. The winner of my very first giveaway (The Shack) is Simply Scarlet. Congratulations. I hope you enjoy the book. After reading it, I can say that they were parts that made me laugh, that made me cry and that made me think. The author did at times get “preachy” with his view of church, but I’ve heard it said, eat the meat and spit out the bones. I enjoyed this book. If you have a chance to pick up a copy, it’s a worthwhile read.

Item # 2: This past week was Secretary’s Week. It was busy at work, so our office celebrated on Friday. The doctor bought lunch for us from one of the Italian restaurants in the area. I had a yummy triple cheese chicken pizza and side salad. He also gave me the card below: To the one who does it all…And makes it look so easy! I feel like Snoopy does most days spinning lots of plates. Inside was a gift certificate.

The topper was this lovely white orchid. Isn’t it pretty? Now everyone pray with me and for me that I don’t kill it.

Item #3: Brenda from It’s All Good gave me You Make My Day Award. She is new to blogging, but I would not have known that. She does a great job and I love visiting her. If you haven’t received this award before and you read my blog regularly and I comment on yours, then please accept it, place it on your blog and know that you all make my day.

Have a great weekend.

© Nadine Z. 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Insurance Companies

I work in a doctor’s office and so I deal with insurance companies all the time. I don’t like them. Some insurances are better than others but that depends on where you work and what type of plan they offer. The frustrating part comes when you have to change insurance companies.

The cost of our insurance went up and they were offering less bang for the buck (larger deductible, higher copays and more out of pocket expense). Our insurance agent suggested a switch. That’s great – no deductibles for pharmacy, smaller copays, less out of pocket expense and smaller deductible. Sign me up. Here’s the problem. We couldn’t get an identification number or our insurance cards by the first of the month. It came around the middle of the month. If you don’t have to go to the doctor or get medication this is not a problem.

It was for me. We needed new prescriptions for Tom’s medications. Using a mail order pharmacy is the way to go because you get a three month supply for the price of one month. He ran out of medication and the first order takes fourteen days to get processed and the doctor’s office didn’t get it sent on time. Yes, I know, I’m starting to rant a little bit.

I had to call the doctor’s office again and ask them to re-fax the prescriptions because the mail order pharmacy doesn’t have it on record. I have to ask them to then fax a month supply to our local pharmacy so that he will have his medications.

I don’t like insurance companies. I don’t like switching. I don’t like that with some companies you have to have your doctor’s office call because certain medications they deem not necessary have to have prior authorization.

Let’s make the doctor’s office staff work even harder then they already do by having them call the insurance company, go through the millions of menu options before they can speak to a human being who then has to transfer them to another department to get prior authorization because someone at the insurance company dictates what doctor’s can prescribe.

Okay, I know, now I have to go and repent for my ranting and raving. But I’m feeling much better now.

Stay healthy.

Nadine Z. 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Shack

Tom and I are reading a book called, “The Shack” by William P. Young. As a matter of fact, Tom suggested we read it to each other. The past few days, we have enjoyed doing just that. For those of you who have not heard of it, this is the synopsis on the back:

Mackenzie Allen Philips’ youngest daughter, Missy, has been abducted during a family vacation and evidence that she may have been brutally murdered is found in an abandoned shack deep in the Oregon wilderness. Four years later in the midst of his Great Sadness, Mack receives a suspicious note, apparently from God, inviting him back to that shack for a weekend.

Against his better judgment he arrives at the shack on a wintry afternoon and walks back into his darkest nightmare. What he finds there will change Mack’s world forever.

This book was suggested by friends of ours (check out Madison’s book review HERE). Apparently there is some controversy, but I’m half way through it and find it totally intriguing and thought provoking. It is a work of fiction, but it contains so many truths.

You might have to expand your box of how you see God (portrayed here as a large black woman) but as I said it’s a work of fiction and I liked how the author explained why she appeared to the main character that way.

Without giving away much of the story, there is a part of the book that we just finished reading that just nailed me. It was about judgments. How the main character has sat in judgment of God and people in his life. It just moved me to repentance.

How often have I sat in judgment of others or worse yet God. I forget that God is good and just. I forget that He gives me what I need always and not necessarily the things I want. Just like with my own children, I know what they wanted may not always be what was best for them. Yet, I think I know better than God. I believe that if I want something, then God who loves me must want the same thing. Not always the case. I forget about God’s due time. I forget about what God may be trying to teach me. I forget a lot of things, when I’m in the want mode.

Do yourself a favor, read this book. I liked it so much that I’m going to be giving away a copy. Just leave a comment and you’ll be entered for a chance to win. If you already have a copy you can still leave a comment and let me know if you liked it. I will draw a name on Saturday, April 26th and post the winner.

© Nadine Z. 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008

First Sparks

I was visiting Pinks & Blues Girls Blog today and Sharon posted a story about the first time she laid eyes on her husband. She invited anyone who wanted to participate to post their “first sparks” story. I thought I would play along.

Most of you know how Tom and I got together over thirty years ago, but I never posted about the first time I laid my eyes on him. That happened about thirty one years ago.

My girlfriend, Juliana and I were going to the fruit and vegetable store for my mom. The store was crowded this fine Saturday morning. We were looking at the fruit and just giggling like girls do. I was only fifteen at the time. Suddenly, I heard a voice say, “Excuse me, excuse me.” I turned, looked, and seen the finest specimen of man I’ve ever laid my eyes on. He had blond, wavy hair, beautiful, soft eyes, and nice fitting jeans. He was carrying a very large sack of something on one shoulder and it seemed effortless to him. I checked him out completely and was very pleased at what I saw.

After he passed by, I looked at my girlfriend and we both smiled. (I should interject here that we had a habit of ranking guys on a scale of one to ten. We would just look at each other and say a number.) All I could say at this point was, “Fifty.” That meant he was way off the charts. She concurred. I said, “Wow, he looks good coming and going.” This day sparked a series of flirtatious events and the rest they say is history.

So that was my “first sparks” story, what was yours?

If you want to play along follow the link above to Pinks & Blues Girls Blog and sign up on Mr. Linky. Please let me know if you decide to participate. I would love to read all of your stories.

Have a great weekend.

© Nadine Z. 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The weather is getting nicer and many people are migrating to the great outdoors. I was reading a blog friend’s post about hiking when I was reminded why I don’t like it. Let’s just say I had a bad experience. Maybe if I share this experience I might find healing.

Back in 1994 when Tom and I were living in West Virginia, we ran a young adult’s bible study that met in our home. Tom thought it would be a great idea to take everyone on a hike to Cooper’s Rock. He had gone before and really enjoyed it. My attitude was this: “That’s great honey, have a great time. I’ll stay home and cook some pasta that everyone can eat when you get back.” But, noooooooooo. Tom really poured on the charm and somehow convinced me that this would be a pleasurable experience. He wanted me to be with him and the scenery is beautiful, blah, blah, blah, blah. I fell for it.

This lovely little hike turned into a ten mile hike. That’s right you read correctly – ten miles. The first five miles downhill weren’t as bad as the five miles uphill. We followed Rattlesnake Trail (that should have been my first red flag) down to a lake. Some parts of the trail were very narrow. The trail became even more narrow when we almost reached the lake. In fact part of the trail was missing. In order to get to the other side you had to hold on to a large vine and take a leap over the missing trail. Tom went first and extended his hand. I stood there against the back of hill and wanted to cry. Everyone else had gone and was waiting for us. I thought it would be okay to just stay where I was until they were done jumping around in the lake. Alas, that was not the case.

I did managed by some small miracle get to the other side. We spent some time by the lake and then it was time to head back. Did I mention we were now going back up the hill? On the way up, a certain song kept playing over and over in my head, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover, but I changed the words to, 50 Ways to Kill Your Lover. If he tripped and fell they couldn’t reach him for hours, if not days. I was exhausted when we were done. I just wanted to go home and take a hot bath. But my darling hubby had other ideas. He invited everyone back (did I mention one gal bought her two large dogs with her) to our small apartment for a movie and pizza.

This was what we brought away from this experience: 1. Nadine doesn’t do hikes and 2. Tom never makes Nadine do things she doesn’t want to. I do love him because I can look back on the experience and laugh. I guess I’m healed.

Now for all of your who love to hike; I rejoice with you on your love of the great outdoors, but give me a martini by a cabin and I’m good.

© Nadine Z. 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Nephew

I’m very proud of my nephew Gregory (pictured above). He graduated the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York and is currently starring in Steve Winwood’s new video Dirty City. Below is a picture of Gregory and Steve.

Below is the video. He’s the young man in the white shirt and later on with the hoodie.

Congratulations Gregory, I'm very proud and I love you.

© Nadine Z. 2008

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Update & an Award

This week has been a trying one for me. I have gone to work and managed through the busyness of the day, come home and collapse in pure exhaustion. Today, with Tom’s help I went food shopping. It was difficult on my back all that walking around. Tom went food shopping with me and made sure I took many breaks. He wanted to go instead of me but I prefer to go myself. There is always something I forget to write on the list, but when I see it, I’m reminded that it’s needed. He didn’t let me load or unload anything and insisted I rest when I got home.

The problem with pain is that it occupies most of my brain cells. I find myself void of creativity and it’s bothering me. Through all of this what has been cemented in my heart is how wonderful my husband is. He’s been taking great care of me. I want to thank you honey for all you have done.

I would like to thank SaraLynn of Kooky Kids for the Blog of Distinction Award. The rules states to award this award to five blogs that make you laugh, cry, think or sigh. Those of you who are new to my blog might not know how difficult it is for me to pick just five blogs to give this award to. I read too many good blogs that elicit those very emotions in me. If it’s okay with SaraLynn, I’ll like to give to all of you who comment on this post. Claim your prize and post your award. I love you guys and gals.

© Nadine Z. 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Oh My Aching Back

Just a quick post to let you all know that I’m alive. My week started with a stomach virus that Tom and I shared. Then on Wednesday I got up from my chair at work and hurt my back.

It’s not comfortable to sit for long periods of time or to lay down for that matter, but the good news is that I’m heavily medicated. I hope this post is making sense. I will be around to see you all soon.

Nadine Z. 2008

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Road House Cycles 101

This weekend I accompanied Tom to Post Falls Idaho. He was going there to teach a 101 class (The Art of Hearing God). This class helps you to discover the different ways God speaks to you as well a strong emphasis on character. For the first time ever this class was held in a motor cycle dealership called Road House Cycles. The owners, Scott and Jinny Lyon, were gracious enough to allow the class to be held in the basement of their store. They cleared out all the motorcycles and moved them upstairs, which made their main showroom very crowded. They didn’t ask for any money, but sacrificed time, space, bathrooms, etc.

It all started out with Sherry, who is a teacher, but had no venue to teach. She was talking to Jinny about the class. Sherry mentioned she was having a hard time finding a place to host the class. Jinny didn’t hesitate and the rest is history.

It was fun to be there with Tom. Before he taught on Sunday morning, he asked me to come up. Very few people knew who he was and he thought telling them a story about us would break the ice. We told the story of how we got together. It was great fun and the people just laughed.

If you are ever in Post Falls, stop in and say hi to Scott and Jinny. Not only are they kind hearted people, but they have a nice shop. Below are some pictures I took.

Sherry is pictured on the right in red thanking the owners, Scott and Jinny.

Look at all the cool bikes. Because we were using their extra showroom, everything was packed in the main showroom. Normally they have a lot more room.
This chopper won 1st place in the Spokane Orange County Cycles Custom Motorcycle Show.

This is what it looked like before the class started. I teased them because we were in a motorcycle shop and I said it looked so girlie.

It filled up quickly. The place really packed out.
This is Sherry posing with the only manly thing left downstairs - Arnold cutout.

© Nadine Z. 2008

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Words have meaning. A well written or spoken word can make you cry or laugh. It can make you think, evoke passions, and draw you into the story. While being in the editing process, I’ve found that sometimes less is more.

Words have power whether they are spoken or written. I’ve written about this before here.

There are times I just love being with Tom and no words need to be spoken. There is comfort in being with each other because we know each other so well. He can give me a look and I know what he is thinking. With a simple touch of his hand, he can speak volumes to me.

I’m a big fan of the written word. I love to read and I love to write. With that being said, yesterday I posted just a video. No words, just background music. Without a spoken or written word across the screen it evoked many emotions. By some of the comments people were moved to tears. Sometimes words aren’t necessary.

In my prayer times, I’ve spent a good amount of time just being in God’s presence. No words spoken just silence. There is peace. There is a time for words and a time for silence. I’ve come to appreciate all these times.

© Nadine Z. 2008