Thursday, March 19, 2009

Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Party 2009

Hello and welcome to the Ultimate Blog Party 2009. Come in and look around. I hope you enjoy your stay whether you are here for the first time or a regular friend. I always have a blast visiting new blogs during these parties, so make sure you leave a comment so I can stop by your place too. Let me tell you a little bit about me.

I’m madly in love to my childhood sweetheart. We’ve been together for over 31 years and married for almost 28. We have two grown children whom we are very proud of. I self-published my first novel Prisoner of Circumstance. Here’s a short description for you:

Can good really overcome evil? When Regina Palmetto strikes a deal to save her father’s life, she knows what she’s getting into. But then the stakes go up. One night during her husband’s drunken rage, her marriage-in-name-only becomes something more. She is determined that her unborn child will not grow up in this family of evil.

With the help of Detective John Nelson, can she escape the madman she lives with? And should she be concerned with Nelson’s reasons for helping her?

I’m giving away a copy of my book (Prize #24). To enter to win you simply need to pick your top three prizes you hope to win, list them on your party post and leave a comment at 5 Minutes for Moms our gracious host. I’m hoping to win one of the following:

· Kitchen Aid Artisan Stand Mixer from Moms Who Think
· $50 Gift Card to Target from Shoot Me Now
· $30 Gift Certificate from A High & Noble Calling

So whether you have been an old friend or a new one, I want to thank you for stopping by. Don’t forget to leave a comment so I can come by and visit you too.

© Nadine Zawacki 2009

If you're here from the Blog Party, click here for latest post.


Sharon said...

Great info! I enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to learning more.

When you get the chance stop by and say hi. I'm writing about living an abundant life (on a budget).

Enjoy the Party!


American Homemaker said...

Hi! Nice to meet you. Your book sounds awesome! I've always wanted to write.

Louise said...

YEAH YOU< You know I love your blog and I will keep coming back ;)

Amydeanne said...

yes Nadine! I think we met the first year! boy things have changed since than hasn't it?!

I love your blog too!
God Bless!

Sandy said...

Hi Nadine, I'm not playing the game but I wanted to say hi and say i looked for your email last week to email you. When you get time shoot me an email ...

Manda said...

Hello! Nice to meet you! I seen your book up there, but didn't know what it was about. I sounds so interesting and I would def. love to read it. I will have to put it on my list of things I would like to win.

I have tried to start writing several books. But I am always thrown and lose my momentum and NEVER finish!

Nise' said...

Looking forward to reading your book. Hope I win it! LOL. We are interested in the same prizes! I have had my eye on a new mixer for awhile now!

vera said...

Hi! It's so nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by. Your love story with your husband sure is inspiring!

Jennifer said...

Hi! Thank you for stopping by my blog! Happy UBP! I have your prize listed as one I really want and I have it linked up to your blog.

Sheri said...

Your book sounds pretty cool-glad to know ya and will be stopping by to visit ya frequently-

Susan said...

Just dropping by today as always.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed visiting! I think it's wonderful that you self-published your book.

Enjoy the party!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

I always love a good party! Happy UBP '09.28 yrs marriage is an mazing achievement - we'll hit 20 yrs next February.

I am visiting from The Ultimate Blog Party to say hello and to check out your blog. I am
looking forward to a fun week!! :)

Goodluck on winning a prize.

My Little Drummer boys

Anonymous said...

I love your name! Good luck on the success of your book! I'll have to check it out. I'm an avid reader so I would love it. Party On!

I am participating too!

Damselfly said...

Hey Nadine! Fun to see you at the blog party. I hope you win one of the prizes you're after!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog to party! (I'm in Dallas too! I've been thinking of doing a blogger meetup for the Dallas area bloggers...sound like fun?)

palmtreefanatic said...

I really enjoyed reading your book! Cannot wait for the next:)

Anonymous said...

It's nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by. Sounds like a very interesting book. I love to read. My motto is "so many books, so little time". I like to fantasize about sitting on the beach with a big pile of books once the children are grown. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying the party! Thanks for telling me about, Nadine!

Deb said...

Hope your enjoying the UBP, I have to say that out of all the people I've come to meet at this party that you have touched my heart more than anyone. Thank you for your wonderful humble heart and your transparency. I love that you just keep "Just Being Me"..

Hugs Nadine, and best wishes with packing up your pods...
ps. I think you totally under estimate your self, I think you could totally drive one of those big trucks ;O)

Jadehollow said...

Hey Nadine..
Thanks for visiting earlier & for such a sweet comment. Your book sounds great .. I'll have to check it out. Happy UBP'ing!
Have a Great Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for coming by my blog. I revamped it so my post makes a little more sense. I think it is great you have written a book. Well done! Looking forward to reading your blog.

Carrie said...

Thanks for stopping by my site! Congrats on your book!

Jean said...

Thanks for stopping by neighbor! I live in the Dallas area too. Your books sounds great!

StacieinAtlanta said...

Hi Nadine,

Congrats on publishing your book. Your marriage is an inspiration!!

I am stopping by from The Ultimate Blog Party to check your blog out. What a great week we are in for!

Check out my place for your chance to win a LeapFrog Tag Reading System. :)

The Divine Miss Mommy

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

How nice to meet you! Your blog is lovely.

tiarastantrums said...

Here for the party - CUTE blog!!!! thanks for visiting me!

Robyn said...

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I was browsing your blog and see your moving. I'm in Cincinnati! Good luck with the move and thanks for stopping by!

Happy UBP!
Mom All Day

Tarasview said...

nice to meet you!! Your book sounds great :)

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

Thanks for hopping over to my blog and I am party hopping right back!

Best of luck on the prizes and Party ON!!

valerie2350 said...

Happy UBP! :)
Hope you have a fabulous day!


CC said...

Yep, I"m quite sure we met here last year. and if I didn't buy a 2nd mixer because I tragically broke the bowl on my vintage one, that would totally be my 1st choice of prizes too!

Happy Hermit ( said...

Love your Site !!

Have a Happy 2nd Party Day !!

LunaMoonbeam said...

Thanks for stopping by Bubba Bubbles! Your book sounds exciting!

Happy UBP 09!

Charlene said...

Stopping in for UBP09. Thanks for droping by my site.

Praying for blessings for you on your upcoming move!


April said...

Just going from party to party to see how others are doing this blogging thing.

your book sounds interesting, I love mystery type stuff at one time I was almost addicted and if I didn't get to read before I went to sleep it felt weird!

My prize is #115 check it out!
Have a good weekend blog partyn’!

Clair Boone @ said...

Hey there fellow partier! Thanks for stopping by my blog, hope I can help you save a buck or two or three! Have a fun party week and enter some contests at my pad! Clair at Mummy Deals

Unknown said...

Hi nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.


Anonymous said...

Wow, being married that long must be a real blessing! You both look so in love, still! :-)

Thanks for stopping by my party in Dubai!

Pami said...

your book sounds awesome, nice to meet you
Happy blog partying

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I am new to the blog world. So glad that I found your blog. Hope you will come by and visit me.

This is such a fun party. Great to meet you.
I will be back soon!


auntrene said...

Your book sounds great, I love to read. You are the third authors blog I have visited today.
I have visited 203 blogs in 3 days. Whooo that is a lot of partying.
Please if you get a chance stop by my blog and leave a comment for the chance to win my Surprise Door Prize.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Thanks for stopping by at SandwichINK :) I'm loving this Blog Party, that's for sure! Your book looks quite interesting. I'm being really good NOT to read fiction right now so I can write more (I'm such a bookaholic that once I start I can't stop :)). BUT when I get sick, I allow myself to read. Hopefully I won't get sick anytime soon, but I'll keep this bookmarked just in case :)

Sheryl1024 said...

I am excited to find your blog via the Ultimate Blog Party! I can't wait to come back and read more! Have a great week!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Hey Nadine!
I am particpating in the UBP too! And look! We have a "friend" in common in Jen dust bunny! Cool beans!
Just stopping in on the party! Come see me sometime. i love new friends!

Mama Bub said...

Wow, that's amazing that you published a book!

Enjoy your road trip - can't wait to hear about it!

j said...

We live a pretty good way from Birmingham now but when we are back home, we are only 45 minutes away. Let me know when you are going to be through there and if we are back home we will surely get together!!!

Oh, and nice to meet you :)

United Studies said...

I'd love you even if you weren't giving something away. :-)

Kati said...

Hi! I am just hopping in from the UBP!! Hope you have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Wow self published your own book! That is amazing! Thanks for stopping by my blog and I will be back to visit soon!

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

Hi Nadine!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog party. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos.

Hope you're enjoying the whole party experience!

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

Thanks for stopping by, hope you are having an awesome time!

Vi (pronounced Vy) said...

your book is on my win list!!

nice to meet you and i'm glad you got to publish your book!

hugs, she

Cindy Swanson said...

Hi Nadine! I've visited your blog before, but it's always great to come back. Hope you're enjoying the UBP and that you'll stop by mine for a moment!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love your place very nice!!


Amanda from Faith, Food and Family said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm enjoying the party. So nice to meet you! Your book sounds very interesting!
God bless,

Preschool Playbook said...

Wow to write a novel! What a great accomplishment. Also enjoyed your commercial post. Glad for the party so I got to visit a wonderful site.

Morgan said...

Hi Nadine! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Three boys definitely keep me very busy. :)

How cool that you've written a book. It sounds great. I will definitely be heading over to Amazon to check it out!

Jen Price said...

Thanks for coming to check out my blog from the party! I live in Africa but I am actually from Dallas! I look forward to checking out your book. I love reading!

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying all these blogs. Yours is one of the best especially your graphics.

Anonymous said...

Happy blog party! I enjoy very much these blogs especially yours!

Anonymous said...

your blog is very helpful. I am really having fun looking at all these blogs

Sheila Hickmon said...

Hello from the UBP!! The Kitchen Aid Artisan Stand Mixer is on my list too! Nice to meet ya!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming to my party! It's great to meet you. :)

Susannah said...

Happy UBP '09! Blessings, e-Mom @ Chrysalis

Tiffers said...

Hello there! Popping in from the party to say hi! Congrats on the book.